Title (Full Version)

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Ron_Exon -> Title (2/28/2012 12:43:14)

Is there a way to obtain your own member title?

Eukara Vox -> RE: Title (2/28/2012 12:53:28)

The only way to get a different title is to either:

A) Win an official contest.
B) Be a contributing member in the Game forums, earning a title that reflects your contributions. Examples are: Constructive, Friendly, Helpful
C) Contribute to the artistic communities of Creative Arts, Legends and Lore or Role Playing. Examples are: Creative, Constructive, Tutor
D) Behave and contribute constructively in the OOC, UCaG and Clan/Clubs communities. Examples: Constructive, Friendly, Helpful

I think that is all the options.

Therril Oreb -> RE: Title (2/28/2012 18:21:03)

This already got answered well, but just to quote the FAQ about this:


here are several different types of special titles.
First off, truly customized titles are generally reserved for Moderators, ArchKnights, and the forum beta-testers. ArchKnights generally have "Arch"-something somewhere in their titles as well as the forums where they work.
Second, there are some titles that are granted for doing something really cool or winning a contest.
Third, there are titles that go with group membership -- such as Advanced Roleplayers.
Fourth, there are titles like Helpful/Creative/Friendly/Constructive, which are granted, respectively, to people who are very helpful and go above and beyond the call of duty to aid their fellow forumites, and to people who really wow us with some cool art or writing.
There is a guide on this subject in the Crucial Forum Information board: Forum ranks/groups/titles

Perhaps this clears up a few more questions in the future :)

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