Lord Nub -> RE: =MtAK= There's a Wolf on the prowl! (3/2/2012 12:35:52)
Hey Lycus! Hey Lord Nub! As player with one of those fancy pancy green names that basically serves as a voice to the developers, what are you doing to voice concerns over the current strategy techniques in ED? Some players, particularly myself, feel that minimum percentages provide too much of a luck factor and that these luck factors should be controlled by the players with 0% minimums. I am not part of the Balance Team, so I only get involved with balance matters when I feel I need to - but my view is that in a way, yes people should be able to go down to 0% chances, but what that also means is people could spam Dex, and the other player would have a 0% strike chance (It'll always be blocked), or same with support, people with high Support would always start first, always deflect oppositions shots, never receive critical hits, never be stunned and a long list of other things. I feel that right now, there is luck involved, but without that luck, some things would be way too OP. May be the numbers do need changing a bit, but not as drastically as reducing minimums to 0%! I do pass on all the concerns from players that I feel carry weight and will help the game in multiple ways. :) What about features? Titan mentioned group chat and tournaments August 2011 in the forum and we haven't seen anything implemented since Delta with the ally link boss mode feature. Do you communicate the communities concerns over the implementation of little to no features with the priority being missions and weapons? This is why we've decided not to promise future features very often any more, some things prove very hard to implement, or impossible to implement, other things also come along that take priority, etc. I do communicate these concerns, but in the long run, if you look at the release history, what tends to happen is a big feature is implements (PvP battle drops, broken items that can be repaired, the big Faction war), but then weapons and missions are either released following them up, or at the same time, to provide a balance of both. Though it may not look like a large feature, things like weapon repairing etc. do take a long time to code. With many demands from players, things to be implemented change priorities, and it isn't quite as simple as it may seem. What were some of the toughest bugs to figure out as a member of the testing team? Toughest bug was probably when people were being banned and kicked for rapidly pressing buttons, since it took quite a long while to work out how to fix it, but keep it secure, and to sort out every single way of pressing buttons multiple times in a short space of time! Any details you may provide with the direction of this game such as any cool features, new skills, or modes? I'm afraid that I can't really comment, as the past has told, if we say anything, it's taken as a promise, and if it then isn't possible, and doesn't come, people get angry! Okay if these get answered I'm satisfied, Buh-bye :) Hope I answered them in as much detail as you wanted! Cya! :)