Wraith -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:15:47)
Lolwut. RIP TechMage, you're HealLooping taken away. RIP BH, SA got nerfed. RIP STR Merc, SA came along. RIP STR BH, you have horrible requirements. RIP TechMage, the Chaos1x Alpha build got ultra-nerfed. RIP Oz 7, it ain't fun no more. (Unless I'm chillin' with Skr33ch talking about shooting people in real life with an AK) RIP Steve Jobs RIP Merc, you die. RIP TechMage, you got one build now. RIP BH, yo evolved Pwns ya. /facepalm Why the heck do you need smoke screen anyways? I used a great Tac Merc tank without Smoke... Oh yea, time to thank the devs for giving you 8 months of OPedness. Just like TMs got pushed off a cliff, you will too. And you deserve it. /endthread Now please stop whining...we all know you went TLM to be OP. Don't deny it. now you're a chicken with its head cut off because of the fact that you aren't OP anymore. Now go think and make a build, instead of complaining. Please. Oh right...you'd rather complain. No offense intended. Not flaming, just pointing out facts without sugarcoating.