R.I.P TLM (Full Version)

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Omega325 -> R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 10:48:13)

So i looked and its clear that smoke is geting token await from TLM

Who thinks that it will kill the class


gangster a -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 10:50:47)

first i thought it was a bad thing then i realised that maybe its not such a bad thing cause you spamm strengh. it wont kill them just makes them think harder about their builds.

midnight assassin -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 10:52:06)

I believe the fc will be a buff.

Stabilis -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 10:53:39)

Trooooooooolll... lalalala... tralalaalalala... hahahahahahaa. Hahaha! Trololol!

Smokescreen was never a good choice to put into a class that was possessing numerous strike skills. Also the fact that tlm had an armour meant that their offense would not be compromised if they ever chose tanking or simply defense.

Tlms without smokescreen will eventually become more diverse IMO.

And I was one of them before. It took months to grind them down into something they are not.

Next up is CH.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 10:54:43)

Agreed. Its a massive nerf for sure. And if they don't nerf CH next week when they nerf TLM then..... @midnight assassin Lolwut? Did you forgot completely about Azrael Bot? If your opponent has Azrael Bot FC will be utterly useless.

Ranloth -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 10:56:04)

Mercs nor BMs have it yet latter competes but former is UP'ed. Using brain isn't hard to think of other build that doesn't use smoke, and I'm also TLM.
Poison, SS, Multi or Str (Field could work or make build more Tanky while still having max Str).
CHs are getting a nerf too, they didn't tell us yet. And TLM will have more changes, Shari just shared Smoke change so there could be maybe buff or perhaps Blood Shield swapping for Technican which only improves Bot and SS.

midnight assassin -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 10:57:03)

And Str Tlm will be more happy. And change plasma armor to blood shield.[:D]

Stabilis -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:04:25)



Omega325 -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:05:21)

@ midnight assassin

How could str TLM be more happy i mean tacks a turn and is the azrule bot u lost a turn

midnight assassin -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:10:26)


Str abusers. Most tlm are str abusers.


Oh come on. CH can be a dangerous heal loopers because of their static charge. I'm not sure about that but imagine giving a ch an energy shield. They will be more op with that.

Omega325 -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:12:18)


I know but removing smoke dozn t only kill str abusers ti kills a lot of focus 5 builds too

Wraith -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:15:47)


RIP TechMage, you're HealLooping taken away.
RIP BH, SA got nerfed.
RIP STR Merc, SA came along.
RIP STR BH, you have horrible requirements.
RIP TechMage, the Chaos1x Alpha build got ultra-nerfed.
RIP Oz 7, it ain't fun no more. (Unless I'm chillin' with Skr33ch talking about shooting people in real life with an AK)
RIP Steve Jobs
RIP Merc, you die.
RIP TechMage, you got one build now.
RIP BH, yo evolved Pwns ya.


Why the heck do you need smoke screen anyways? I used a great Tac Merc tank without Smoke...

Oh yea, time to thank the devs for giving you 8 months of OPedness. Just like TMs got pushed off a cliff, you will too. And you deserve it.


Now please stop whining...we all know you went TLM to be OP. Don't deny it. now you're a chicken with its head cut off because of the fact that you aren't OP anymore.

Now go think and make a build, instead of complaining. Please. Oh right...you'd rather complain.

No offense intended. Not flaming, just pointing out facts without sugarcoating.

8x -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:16:21)

A little nerf and people are already creating threads like this... How about you wait until the update and then use your imagination and creativity to make a new build?

midnight assassin -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:17:50)


Oh come on. They add mineral armor which I think makes tlm more op. Also I believe smoke screen was a mistake since their release back in delta. I'm going to change my first statement that the fc is a buff to nerf. Also are you an tlm because you sound like you can't accept the fact that tlm will be nerfed again? No offence on that.

Ranloth -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:18:57)

Imagination? Impossibru!

Omega325 -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:21:48)

OU would be mad too if u just changed to BM and i find the class gets nerfed and u need to change class ... AGAINE


well it got nerfed 3 times now if i remeber so if they gave back the old skills i huess it would be ok

midnight assassin -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:25:39)


Wraith and 8x has a point actually. They will nerf the class but it doesn't mean your going stop using your brain. Why me I still survive after how many nerfs as a bh? Remember bh is 5th to the weakest class right now.

Stabilis -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:28:51)


When I was an early TlM, I squashed every player like Practel or Mecha or Ashari does to bugs. I did not even use OU (overused) skills like smokescreen or frenzy. The fact that I had 2 great passive skills (mineral armour + reroute), was enough to give my build power no matter what skill set I chose. We still have those 2 passive skills. When smokescreen is removed from the tacticals, they will still come out strong!

Wraith -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:29:43)


Omega, you don't know me, do you? Now stop making assumptions about me that aren't true.

Inb4 shari lock.


I change classes when I feel like it...not depending on power level.

Stabilis -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:31:46)



midnight assassin -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:33:11)

Get ready for a thread lock.

gangster a -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:33:19)

ARCHKNIGHT lock please.

Quote= whats done is done

Omega325 -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:33:29)

Ok lisen to me all my builds i made so far are dead with this update so i think the class is dead maibe you don t think its dead thats ur apionon

midnight assassin -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:35:08)

^They're not dead as long as you will be creative. Tlm is lucky that they have a reroute and devs didn't replace it with an reflex boost.

Wraith -> RE: R.I.P TLM (3/1/2012 11:37:11)

Ok lisen to me all my builds i made so far are good with this update so i think the class isnt dead maibe you do thinks its dead thats ur apionon

Meh. That took a while, using tablet and all :P

As DIgital X said to me, "Use your noggin, you can figure it out"

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