=HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (Full Version)

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Jorath -> =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/1/2012 14:13:18)


March 1, 2012
New Battle Poll!

Head over to HeroSmash and read the news for the newest Battle Poll! winning item gets in the put into BP Shop in the game item while the loser is gone forever! The next upcoming Battle will have some changes as you the players will fight to customize a new gear set! (More on this next round). Also keep an eye on the Daily Shop as I added some new Chakrams!

Tags: Randor the Red Daily Shop Battle Polls

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/1/2012 15:19:25)

Sooooo, what is the new battle poll topic? All I see are items...

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/1/2012 15:47:19)

Plants versus Animals. You guys should SERIOUSLY make if more obvious! Don't name each team the actual weapon name, name each team the subject. Mehh

@Below I'm just assuming :P I'm not sure really

Plasma Charge -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/1/2012 15:49:34)

By the looks of the two weapons I'd say it's earth Vs air! or possibly plants Vs animals.
Personally I'm hoping Avianfever wins, it looks really awesome! =D


The next upcoming Battle will have some changes as you the players will fight to customize a new gear set!

sounds mysterious, I wonder what this is about...

Teamextreme737 -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/1/2012 16:39:10)

Battle Polls are nice and all...

But Herosmash is sorta dying, make an gameplay content or story update!!!

blank452 -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/1/2012 16:54:45)

You've just shown what is fundamentally wrong with how the battle polls are being conducted. They were designed to show which, out of 2 topics, was the better by having the PvPing public vote on which they prefer. It's not about the item you want at the end, but which side of the debate you stand on.

So many people last time were voting on which wep they felt looked better, or worse, which colour represented their allegiance to the current factions, and had zero idea the poll was sci-fi vs fantasy. It's a massive shame, as these polls are kinda cool and hopefully get more people PvPing.

I will say though, the colours are at least more neutral this time around. Green and blue are both fairly good/hero-y colours so (fingers crossed) no bias will come from that.

alexjones50 -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/3/2012 17:47:19)

this game has gone to the dogs, it started out with such promise, now all they do is stupid battle polls, are you ever going to do any more storyline? cos right now I see no point in even logging in. even mechquest is doing better these days.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/3/2012 20:21:54)

alex: There have been 2 battle polls. By that same comparison, all you do is complain given your last 2 posts. While that is probably correct, it is also rude. Give the staff time to do what they do.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/6/2012 8:56:23)

Don't give up on the game yet we need all the players HS can get!!!
Oh yeah and the battle poll thing should really be a bit faster considering the player base just saying..

alexjones50 -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/6/2012 16:03:58)

no offence but i'm not surprised most of the players have bailed on herosmash considering what's happened to it. Though to me honest this isn't entirely the games fault, with 5 games currently running and 2 more on their way the AE staff is likely streched to capacity and some of their games have to suffer as a result, i'm looking forward to both AQ3d and oversoul, i'm sorry but i'm just not going to have much fun if I play herosmash as it is now, maybe in the future things will improve, they could start with having some actual wars with stories to them rather than battle polls, if the storyline gets started up again and we start getting more new content i'll be back on this game.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/6/2012 16:42:51)

Easy way to solve the problem that HS has:

Problem solved.

~Lady Zafara

Electricboa -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/6/2012 17:21:19)

Honestly, I more or less stopped playing because of the shift to PvP. I like more story-oriented games, not really PvP. I think that might be one of the reasons people have been logging on less.

Chaoslordmax -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/6/2012 17:51:23)

HOW IS FLORAL MUSE WINNING???? The other looks much better

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/6/2012 18:01:29)


HOW IS FLORAL MUSE WINNING???? The other looks much better

So...umm...Go vote for it.

~Lady Zafara

FBI -> RE: =HS= Design Notes March 1st, 2012: New Battle Poll! (3/24/2012 17:56:47)

Hero smash... You guys should make this weapons for battle poll next time so people can vote for it


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