AE Memes Forum (Full Version)

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Aura Knight -> AE Memes Forum (3/5/2012 15:03:23)

I just recently had a bit of an interesting thought, so I thought I'd try and suggest it. In the forums, we have all kinds of sub-forums. Many of these sub-forums are quite popular. Another popular thing outside of AE on the internet are these things called Memes. Now, I'm sure many of you know what memes are, so I don't think I have to explain much about them. So my suggestion is that we have a forum where we make memes using AE NPC's and Characters. These memes would be based off the ones already found on the internet, but would use AE related characters. I am currently searching for images that could make possible memes, and when I find some, I will edit this post and show them. I hope this suggestion gets considered, or at least read. Thanks and have a great day or night depending on where you are. Battle On! [:D]

*Also, if this is not the right place to post this, please tell me and I will move it to it's correct place. [:)]

Edit: Here are some examples to show!

Scumbag Dage Meme: (no offense to Dage or his artwork. This is just for laughs. I have nothing against him) -based off the Scumbag Steve Meme
Consenscending Drakath Meme: (original meme is condescending wonka)
AE Y U NO Meme: (self explanatory)
AE trollface:
AE Success Meme: (I'm kind of skeptical about using this one as it shows the face of a real person and I don't know if that person would be okay with it.)
Cysero Meme: ( based off the most interesting man in the world meme)
Skeptical Doomknight Meme: (based off the skeptical Fry meme)
Yo Dawg (Xan Version) Meme: (based off the Yo Dawg Meme which uses Xzbit)

That's all I have for now, but I will try to make more later. [:D]

100Rob123 -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/5/2012 15:44:10)

I think this idea is great, and I personally thought about it too. I think you're talking about troll, rage guy, forever alone, and etc., right?
If yes, I fully support you, and Y U READ MY MIND?[:D]

Aura Knight -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/5/2012 15:49:42)

Yes, that is exactly what I'm talking about. I actually did find some images to use and made memes from them. [:D] I plan on posting examples soon. Also, I NO READ UR MIND! [:D]

edit: Can someone give me feedback on this suggestion? I don't want to waste my time making examples and then have my request for such a sub forum denied. [:)]

Stray Cat -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 5:55:30)

Put bluntly, your board sounds unproductive—spammish, even. There wouldn't be any discussion going on. The posts wouldn't contribute to the AE community in the way that guides and suggestions do. We have boards like Creative Art and L&L to serve as creative outlets for our userbase, but I don't see much point to hosting these image macros other than doing it for its own sake. Plus, I doubt the content warrants an entire board; I can't see it filling up with image macros alone, nor maintaining a steady, substantial flow of traffic.

Aura Knight -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 14:10:06)

@Stray Cat:

As true as that may be, having such a subforum would allow those layers who lack creativity in the fields of art and writing to express themselves. The definition of spamming is any post that is abusive or irrelevant and downright annoying to the general public. Seeing as how the public likes memes, I see no reason to consider them spam. What I mean is, if the community enjoys them, why not let us make them? Like I said, it would be another means for the players to show their creativity. And who knows, perhaps some of those memes could be used to advertise or even promote the games made by AE. The forums allows for art to be suggested and posted. Memes are a form of internet art. So, by allowing other pieces of art and not allowing memes, you would be doing something that could be considered hypocritical. If you have a facebook, you could see that recently, there has been a college memes fad going on. This is where my idea came from. Thousands of people have liked those college memes pages, and because they have been so popular, I figured we could have a similar thing for the AE forums. The one downside to my idea is that there needs to be a picture found to represent each internet meme as an AE Character. Now, as you have seen in my first post, I have found a couple, but still need time to get more. The three I am sure of that are good are "Condenscending Drakath", "AE Y U NO", and "Skeptical Doomknight". While I do respect your position, I do not think it is up to you to decide what the players like. If the majority of players are supportive of this, I feel we should have such a subforum. Unfortunately, I cannot tell who is supportive of this, so I am unsure at this time. The only argument I agree with is that there would be no discussion, and considering this is a forum, that would be problematic. However, having one thread where we post nothing but memes is not going to hurt the forum as we have numerous other subforums which we can chat on. So there really isn't much of an issue. You assume too many things without even having this subforum. Assumptions, although they may be a good prediction of what may happen, they do not guarantee things. It is for that reason, that I think this subforum should be given a chance. I mean, what has anyone got to lose? If it becomes a successful subforum, great! If not, then whatever. But we can never know unless we try it out. [:)]

Kain -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 15:30:27)

While new suggestions for the forums are welcome, please take in consideration that, as forum staff members, we have some concept of ideas that will or not work in the forums. Creating new forum boards is not an easy process, and as such, we need to consider the utility of the idea, its implications and if we have the moderation staff required for it. With this in mind, we can't simply create a board and see how it goes.

An image macro forum wouldn't work in the current forum system, for a few reasons: The forums doesn't have the structure to incentive their creation as we don't allow the hosting of images, and the use of the image tag is limited even in boards where images are the main topic, like The Showcase. Furthermore, as some boards have show, image macros are generally used as a way to take jabs at other forum members (which is not allowed), and sanctioning their creation on the forums would require limiting the content and topic of the image macros, affecting their use and creation greatly.

With these drawbacks, their use in the forums would be very limited, and wouldn't justify the creation of the board in the first place. While image macros can be fun, there's little use for them in the forums, and even more of their creation.

Aura Knight -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 16:45:26)

I never said that the images would be posted directly on the thread. The images would be linked. And how can you know if something won't work out if you don't try it? I have no intention to make them for making fun of other staff members or forum members. I simply want these to be allowed so that we can have another way to show creativity. Not everyone is a great artist and not everyone is a great writer, but I feel we all should have the opportunity to express our creativity. I don't see how anyone would be opposed to this. [:D]


we can't simply create a board and see how it goes.

If this is true, then, mind telling me how the forum itself started out? o.O

Master K -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 17:16:11)

Ha, those are quite funny!
But...I don't think it would work as an entire forum.

Perhaps it could be a topic in the AEGD.

Eukara Vox -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 17:22:25)

Expressing creativity is done in the creative forums. That would be Legends and Lore for writing, Creative Arts for visual art and Roleplaying for those who role play. You do not have to be an accomplished writer or artist to post in these places and they are provided for all forumites to use to express their creativity.

An additional forum just for meme creation and posting isn't necessary because there are already places for creative outlets and posting.

Aura Knight -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 17:23:49)

@Eukara Vox: If that is the case, then could there be a thread made in AE GD for this? o.O

Eukara Vox -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 17:26:53)

That is something you will need to PM the head of the forum for, which is [image][/image] Falerin.

I am sure he is open to considering all kinds of interesting things that pertain to all games. Present your proposal and see what he thinks. Good luck! [:)]

Aura Knight -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 17:41:16)

All right, thank you. I send him a PM. Hopefully he responds and accepts my idea. If not, I still had fun creating the memes I used in my samples. [:D]

Falerin -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 19:52:19)

As the thread topic covers many games; as the thread topic is community appropriate (in multiple senses of the word); and as the thread topic is not already covered by an extant AEGD thread (The closest topic being the puns/parody thread. I authorize this thread's creation as suggested. With the following caveats:

The thread should discuss memes as they apply to AE in general. So not only memes that have been AE'ified but also memes that have occured in AE and AE merchandising. E.g. Leeroy Jenkins or the new death being "On a boat" would fit. There is definitely a wealth of material here both fan created and staff created that can be discussed.

The thread has in its basic nature a tendency to be a bit more spammy then usual. That is acceptable but conversation should still occur and contributions should be meaningful.

Thread responses such as:
Me too
and like threads are purposeless.

The thread will be watched and if it gets out of hand or becomes a spam pit without any meaningful conversation it will be locked.

Aura Knight -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 19:57:16)

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to make such a thread Falerin! [:D]

edit: one question though: even though I am trying to find memes that have been AEfied, would using normal memes still be allowed if they pertain to something relating to Artix Entertainment and their games? [:)]

Falerin -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 20:16:46)

That would still be AEified in my view even if the actual order of operations is reversed. It is still tying and existing meme to AE. I dare say there would not be much meme wise that has no connection to AE.

100Rob123 -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 20:22:40)

I just made an AE related rage comics. Can I post it there too?

Aura Knight -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 20:26:14)

Rob, I am currently making a new thread in the AE GD. So wait until I am done making the thread and then you can post your rage comic. [:D]

100Rob123 -> RE: AE Memes Forum (3/8/2012 20:31:59)

Oh, Ok. I knew that, I was just asking in general. :3

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