New plot (Full Version)

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Omega325 -> New plot (3/5/2012 20:01:45)

Ok this is a plot that could be nice I'd like a few comments on it please

This is more of end story plot but I was thinking of it
Legion and Exile VS Alydrah

We get a war a little like the ones in DF

And an epic showdown with George Lowe(legion)and Negawraith VS Admine11

And Edward both(legion again) VS armored hazard

And last but not least we find Exile leader is Oz and the final showdow

Oz and you VS Alydrah

What do you think like it ?


IsaiahtheMage -> RE: New plot (3/5/2012 20:48:32)

Yes! This would be so awesome.

Stabilis -> RE: New plot (3/5/2012 21:09:26)

*head explodes from an Overload of awesomeness. The Fireball generated from the explosion overwhelms the direct vicinity and Massacres the nearby population. The calamity prompts the military to call in Support to the site of the explosion. Workers find no evidence of a bomb, leaving officials to assume that it was the work of a Surgical Strike. As the news becomes public, the Legion media uses Intimidate to urge the denizens of Delta V to fall for their Smokescreen and shock-and-lock...*

In other words these are great suggestions to use in the future story. They also have relevance! Very clever.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: New plot (3/5/2012 21:29:41)

Maybe Negawraith instead of GL because he was there to keep admin 11 in check and he did kill his adoptive father (from what I understand) after all.

Omega325 -> RE: New plot (3/5/2012 21:32:17)

good point but so far the only person i can think of that can match admin 11's strenth s GL :/


George Lowe and Nega wraith VS Admin 11

Omega325 -> RE: New plot (3/5/2012 22:42:51)

doze anyone know where i can send this to the admins

rej -> RE: New plot (3/5/2012 23:12:26)

Since the last time a shred of plot was made, one of my favorite farming npcs was DESTROYED I would really prefer it if Epicduel's storyline were discontinued entirely.

digimon slayer -> RE: New plot (3/5/2012 23:42:06)

They should do something like that but make a war ground area........

Omega325 -> RE: New plot (3/6/2012 0:32:09)

So i though about it and there the plot edited a little

Legion and Exile VS Alydrah

at the end of a war where we meet Balius for the first time Alydrah doublecross him at the end of it and then the new war starts

We get a war where went you go on 1vs1 you get a random chance to figth one of alydrah's soldier
and in 2vs2 you get a chance to fight with a exil/legion soldier vs 2 of Alydrah's soldier or one of her Juggernauts
also they drop items that you can merge
if your legion charfade can merge them
if exil ulysse will merge them
they both have difrent weaps you can merge

Then an epic showdown with George Lowe(if your legion)/Negawraith(exil)and you VS Admine11

And Edward both(legion )/or the Karpus king(forgot his name) and you VS armored hazard
(note:Negawraith,armored hazard and admine 11 get buffed)

And last but not least we find Exile leader is Oz and the final showdow

Oz and you VS Alydrah if your exil
Balius and you VS Alydrah

so what do you think

Mr. Black OP -> RE: New plot (3/6/2012 0:35:49)

I like it, but why would you buff them? They are hard enough to defeat with an actual partner, and nega only has 50 health after all.

Omega325 -> RE: New plot (3/6/2012 0:39:07)

^ edit nega gets buffed too

PivotalDisorder -> RE: New plot (3/6/2012 7:23:31)

think this topic is what you are looking for, its stickied too.

Omega325 -> RE: New plot (3/7/2012 17:05:48)


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