RE: Intimidate (Full Version)

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Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Intimidate (3/7/2012 8:04:29)


BMs are currently using intimidate to great effect. Quite simply, they don't need the considerable buff that this suggestion would provide them. Furthermore this would greatly undermine balance. Increasing your own offensive power while decreasing your opponent's offensive power would be inherently overpowered. Unlike your assumptions, numerous builds use Field Commander and Intimidate rather effectively; they are not underpowered skills. Furthermore, if I'm not mistaken, Field Commander will be getting a revamp soon, further relegating this suggestion into the realms of uselessness.

Ranloth -> RE: Intimidate (3/7/2012 8:13:24)

May I say, Intimidate is due to get a buff or revamp soon as well. Waitibg won't hurt you and suggestion that was given is poor, too strong and would make Str builds stronger + make other nerfers and buffers too weak.

comicalbike -> RE: Intimidate (3/7/2012 8:55:08)

just make the weaker classes stronger problem solved

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Intimidate (3/7/2012 8:59:51)

@Silver Sky: I agree that the idea would be OP, I just wanted to hear why instead of "blah blah would be OP" from everyone.
I usually contribute to the idea even if I don't think it would be a good idea, like in the Bike topic posted earlier.

Remorse -> RE: Intimidate (3/7/2012 10:53:21)

I will enforce my theory that most things in this game are revovled around dominating power and NO new features should involve buffing the already TOO powerful.

Thats why I disagree,

If it was like this it would basically be a STR debuff and smoke/malf in one making blood mages extremely oped as ND said.

Just because BMs have one oped build doesnt mean that oped build should be buffed AT ALL just to give the other types a chance.

If they wanna give BMs flexabaialty, Then weaken todays tank powerbuilds which will level the playing feild, in as sence its actuly the STR blood mage stopping the other vairety of blood mages simply because they cant beat there own oped build yet alot of people think a good decesion would be to buff the less poweful one.... obviolsy wrong, the powerful one needs to be braught down!
And if they do wanna buff a skill make sure like I said it does not empower the already too powerful

JohnMenzies -> RE: Intimidate (3/7/2012 17:51:22)

I wasn't being too clear but I was only suggesting this for the Mercenary Class, basically giving them a new skill that has this effect.

JohnMenzies -> RE: Intimidate (3/10/2012 12:16:38)

Seeing how the mercenary class is under-powered... :/

nico0las -> RE: Intimidate (3/10/2012 12:19:09)

Are blood mages not powerful enough? Why does everyone want to make them even STRONGER?
Leave intimidate as it is. It's a good skill and comes in handy very often.

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