(AQ) Quest ON! (Full Version)

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kingzeth221 -> (AQ) Quest ON! (3/7/2012 18:33:40)

Quest ON!

By: KingZeth221

Preview - This is about Zaph and Neelys adventures. For those of you who dont know who zaph and neely are, they are two friends who adventure all the time. Zaph is a seal who is a knight, and Neely who is an oversized butterfly. I'm not going to add the fisrt chapter just yet but i will so dont worry i am working on it. Also i will do chapter previews so you can get an idea of whats going on. If you dont read the previews thats ok, their not that detailed so your not missing anything.

-Table of Contents-

Chapter 1 - Knights rest

Chapter 2 - Assault

-Chapter Previews-

-Knights Rest- The first chapter is a short one so be prepared for that. It takes place in a forest and there is no action in the first chapter. Sorry about all the disapointments.

-Assault- The second chapter is alittle longer than the first. There is some action but not telling how much. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

kingzeth221 -> RE: (AQ) Quest ON! (3/7/2012 18:48:35)

-Knights Rest-

With the moon in the sky and the wind blowing making the trees bend just a little, two friends walk through the forest together. "Neely do you think that opening up ahead would be a good spot to rest for the night?"
"Yes that should be good, Zaph i hope your ready for tomorrow."
"Yeah i'm ready, but i have a bad feeling in my stomach. I just cant figure out why."
"You should get some sleep and forget about that your probley still hungry."
"Yeah your right." They lay down and Neely passes out. But Zaphs feeling just wont go away, but he manages to fall asleep after about an hour goes by. Zaph tosses and turns almost all night.

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