why devs should remove agilty? (Full Version)

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gangster a -> why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 7:12:29)

^ need i say more.

no flamming
no going off-topic
not a suggestion

Stabilis -> RE: remove agilty (3/9/2012 7:15:27)

How about why?

Since this is a suggestion.

gangster a -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 7:18:46)

^ noted thanks

TurkishIncubus -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 8:09:56)

because its ridiculous :P Agility is on of the reasons Luck become problem.

If we have like 200 hp and oponent crit lets say it will hit 45 dmg, there will be still 155 more hp to fight back. But with 90 hp if oponent crit lets say 35 dmg , there will be 55 hp which is not enough to counter.

Remorse -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 8:37:36)

It was unnecesary at first I admit,

But because of the over amount of STATS due to enhaments it is totaly necesary.

The soltuion would be to remove the excess stats THEN remove agialty.

Ranloth -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 8:39:40)

Second Remorse, with no reasoning then it's pointless. It's to limit abusive builds like Tanks.

ND Mallet -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 8:39:52)

Because Health used to be more effective than actually investing into defenses. You'd need to add more stats into dex and tech to cover up all the damage while you could just invest in health and get almost the same exact thing. BHs used to use 140 health to hide behind so they would be healing most of your damage away by the time you lowered them down any.

@turk If someone hits 35 on a crit and only a 35, then you have nothing to worry about since a low damage crit means lower damage regular attacks.

Basicball -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 8:46:58)

it wasn't needed, but really, there's just as many reasons to remove it now, as there were to add it back then ... just let it be

Remorse -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 8:48:16)

Back in the good old days, (before enhancements)

Having high HP ment that you would have reaosbaly low attack and would reily more on a cretive staregy and you skill tree.

Were as if you wanted to have a powerful build with acceptable defences you would HAVE to sacrifise some hp.

This meaned powerbuild back in those days were alot easyier to counter BUT at the same time it was still fun competetive and chalnging to use, Infact I remeber having quite low health but a lot of support and some great atom smash ,intim and FC ,rage zerk/multi combos.
BUt at the same time I couldnt just spam constant powerul attacks because the less powerful build would have reasonable hp and were able to counter with strategy and wits, so it was battles of smarts and outthinking your opponenet.

These days with enhaments, like ND said powerbuilds could get high attacks acceptable defences and HIGH health meaning they had no downside and it evetualy led to now with LUCK controlled battles and super tanks because they are the small variety that can survive agianst the super powerful.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 9:21:38)

i say its better if 100% agility last till 110hp . reason?? level cap has increased and so is the game difficulty ,95hp is too less. 110hp , is kinda ok.

Ranloth -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 9:29:23)

Kinda another supported post, but soul has a point. As high lvls are almost always Focus 5 and even more HP so it could be raised, something Devs should note as it'll pose a problem someday. :P

Oba -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 9:34:01)

I think it should get removed yes. This is just another feature so everyone uses 5 focus. And it is getting really boring when so many uses the same build.

Remorse -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 9:34:20)

^ Hopefully by then theyle have the High stat amount related problems fixed. In which case they could just remove agailty rather then raise it....

But I doubt the chance of any major balance problems being fixed.
Which is why I doubt the chances of this game coming good agian yet I simply cant stop trying to make it happen on the froums...

Mr. Black OP -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 9:53:39)

Remove it, would weaken tank builds because they have 1 less defense and resistance, also if you pout a lot of points into health then you probably have lower defenses and damage.

Stabilis -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 11:16:41)

Make it easier to raise your Defense and Resistance then you let high health equal it's worth in points compared to the two.

Lord Nub -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 11:49:49)

Don't think removing it completely is the answer but as some others have already mentioned, increasing the the amount of HP you may have before having your def/res reduced is a good idea.

This game has lost all strategy thanks to the combination of the minimum percentages and agility. The developers aren't stupid and they know exactly what they are doing. They deem "balance" as something which allows everyone to win a match minus skill or build type.

Low HP + some 4% block / 1% crit and you don't stand a chance. Did you lose because of your strategy? No because you obviously had much higher dexterity and support than your opponent but thanks to the developers wanting everyone to be on equal footing, you lost the match.

Lord Areswe -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 11:53:24)

I think that devs should actually increase how many points one must invest to raise one's defence or resistance
it IS kinda joy killing when the opponent has 45+6 defence and resistance

TurkishIncubus -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 12:46:10)


@turk If someone hits 35 on a crit and only a 35, then you have nothing to worry about since a low damage crit means lower damage regular attacks.

He use str build, i open Def Matrix and he crited with his energy zooka. And thats not the point what are you trying to prove?

Midnightsoul -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 15:51:38)

make agility level scaled...

Basicball -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 16:12:02)

^true story

Stabilis -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 17:35:45)

Yes level scaling would work as an improvement because considering the number of people who have grown out of Focus... how many would opt to risk defensive points? I say make the strain of agility less and less with the introduction of a new level cap.

ND Mallet -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 19:12:35)

A level scaling system has been considered and I believe it is on the list of things to-do.

@remorse I wasn't talking about how enhancements allowed players to spam strength and health with good defenses. I'm talking about how investing 3 points into health will give you 6 health while investing 3 into dex will give you one defense. Since that one defense will save you one health per physical attack and that few battles last past 6 attacks(which all would need to be physical) health is clearly a better choice. For a Str Hunter, the lack of dex was a small problem because of the simple Smokescreen which gave them great accuracy.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 21:01:41)

Agility needs to go.

rej -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 21:08:03)

Agility should remain. Without it, those annoying Bounty Hunters and Tactical Mercenaries with 100+ strength AND over 120 health will become even more disgutingly common.

drinde -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 21:14:04)

Actually, I think they should tighten agility after 110 HP.

Maybe add a -2 to each?

High HP High STR Builds are too common, as stated above.

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