Remorse -> RE: why devs should remove agilty? (3/9/2012 8:48:16)
Back in the good old days, (before enhancements) Having high HP ment that you would have reaosbaly low attack and would reily more on a cretive staregy and you skill tree. Were as if you wanted to have a powerful build with acceptable defences you would HAVE to sacrifise some hp. This meaned powerbuild back in those days were alot easyier to counter BUT at the same time it was still fun competetive and chalnging to use, Infact I remeber having quite low health but a lot of support and some great atom smash ,intim and FC ,rage zerk/multi combos. BUt at the same time I couldnt just spam constant powerul attacks because the less powerful build would have reasonable hp and were able to counter with strategy and wits, so it was battles of smarts and outthinking your opponenet. These days with enhaments, like ND said powerbuilds could get high attacks acceptable defences and HIGH health meaning they had no downside and it evetualy led to now with LUCK controlled battles and super tanks because they are the small variety that can survive agianst the super powerful.