ngshuyi94 -> Rank System Overhaul (3/10/2012 9:51:22)
This is a discussion on the current ranking system in ED and the various ways to improve it. Hello ED folks, while many are talking about the problem on balance atm, i feel that there is another major segment that the game can improve on. This is none other than the ranking system. Personally, i feel that there is a major problem with the ranking system in this game. Atm, all 1vs1, 2vs2 and Juggernaut wins count as 1 win. Personally, i think that this is very unfair (maybe not only for me, lol). So why is this unfair? No offense whatsoever intended towards the 1vs1 players but in 2vs2 and Juggernaut, people do spend more time on the average per battle. Moreover, the inclusion of NPCs in 1vs1 records (which also counts towards ur rank) also made 1vs1 much easier, less time consuming and less effort is required (when NPCing). Due to these factors, i feel that a new ranking system needs to be implemented. I call it a 'points system'. Basically, how it works is that 1vs1 will count as 1 point, 2vs2 will count as 2 points and Juggernaut will either count as 1.5 points or 2 points (preferred). Therefore, the new ranking system will look like this: Major ranks: Hero - 2k points Warlord - 5k points Commander - 10k points Emperor - 25k points Grand Emperor - 50k points Legend - 100k points Instead of: (currently) Major ranks: Hero - 2k wins Warlord - 5k wins Commander - 10k wins Emperor - 25k wins Grand Emperor - 50k wins Legend - 100k wins In addition, i also think that rank could also not be just for 'show'. Encouragement to rank up could also include making the rank into a progressive achievement like the frysteland war rank achievement. For example: Major ranks: Hero - 1k rating points Warlord - 1.5k rating points Commander - 2k rating points Emperor - 3k rating points Grand Emperor - 4k rating points Legend - 5k rating points So what do u think about this? Feel free to discuss. [:)] All forum rules apply. [;)]