RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 20:46:54)

And I'm sure he counts Clown as a friend!
Not really...

Wait... am I your friend Drakkoniss?
You've tried to kill me a lot that must mean something!

See, a rail gun to the head! Friendship powers of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! and mints.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 20:48:36)

*X prime hears shouting in the distance and has Pandora create a a large sound proof barrier the encircles Auroa park*

~Chaos of Loneliness

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 20:52:54)


I am the beginning of evil, I have no place in good or chaos.
I be not the start of the beginning, but I sure as hell came second.
Though I did not win the race and came in last place, my intelligence
comes in fourth. I may be first to end, but I sure as hell am not dead yet! Out of five ticks
I rate money four. What in blazes am I?


star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 20:53:44)

*Static* You are sadly mistaken.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 20:57:16)

42. That is the answer to everything. If you think otherwise, ask a different question. XD

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 20:58:31)

Correct! No. How in the world will 42 help you?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 20:59:32)

Idk. I think it might be the meaning of life, or something.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:00:45)

The answer is E.
Four is.
The first digit of 42.
The first digit of Lewis Carol's age when he wrote "The Hunting of the Snark."
And the number of boxes left upon the shore.
And the number of times that I have attempted to gain entrance to the domicile of the Elder Gods.
And the number of times that I have been rejected.
And the number of acts that I must perform.
Two of evil, complete, and two of good.
For my fourth act, i must assist a friend in need.
And Clown is the only friend that I have.
I'm sorry Drakkoniss, but this is the way that it must be.

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:00:47)

For the love of...
The answer is obviously E!

Stop giving away the answer fool!

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:03:14)

I know.
I answered.
But please.
Help m-

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:06:22)

Are you sure you're not? XP
_ _

Not amused.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:07:07)

That makes this much more easy to do, then, as I was intending to do so anyway. *takes control of his base, and pours 9 googol terawatts into the formation of a portal leading to the realm of the Elder gods, which pulls Jack in, and causes him to wake a sleeping being of eldrich power (not the one you think, though)*


star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:09:38)


Still not amused with any of you buffoons.

Don't be rude

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:12:16)

I'm ammused. Why should I try to answer your riddles when it is so much funnier to see you irritated by my silly answers?

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:14:37)

It's fun to mess with him.




Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:16:12)

I recomend... Skull Deep. It's sinking into the volcanic rock, with HeroSpire on top of it... SAVE IT, COMMANDER CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:24:00)

But I'm afraid of heights... and lows
and I have no powers.
I was only made for the sole purpose of buying seasonal items

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:27:35)

*Throws Herospire back into the sky*

hahahaha, what does it matter? I know what I have to do.

Twinkle,twinkle ball of incandescent gas
What if you were to reach critical mass?

To permanently blot out your light
And cast the World into eternal night

Very soon I'll say goodbye
As I blow my foe up sky high.

*laughs hysterically*


star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:30:05)

I've missed a lot.

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:33:16)

I'm not sure what type of runes they are. Tell you what if you or any other person can translate the runes I'll try togive them a gift. Not a bad gift but a Gift that you would really like. It may change for different people.
I think I saw the rune traslation carved into one of the walls in Ingiru, I may be able to help find it but it would have to be after I become my ChaotiVoid Form again.

*Voldo gets up slowly, the blood subsides and he speaks again*

"No I don't mind, You say that you take hardly any damage from Energy attacks you say, How will you like it if they are all the element of VOID!, I sense that your only testing me though, How about we make the most of this metorite strike!"

*A Purple Glow circles around a few metorites and are directed towards Drakkoniss, Voldo appears above Drakkoniss and fires Void pulses towards him, he swiftly sheaths his sword and growing out of his hands are enourmous claws, he flys towards Drakkoniss and does Multiple Slash attacks, He turns his hand into a fist, charges Purple Void power through it and delivers a Brutal Bone smashing Punch, while Drakkoniss falls towards the ground more meteorites are shot towards him Voldo appears at the bottom and a Void Blast sends Drakkoniss straight back up.

While Drakkoniss is in mid air Voldo teleports next to him and grasps his throat, retracts his claws and unsheaths his sword and slams him into a falling meteorite, the meteorite dosn't fall to the ground and stays levitating, Voldo flies over to another meteorite and lands on it a Chaos pulse flows through the airwaves and sends Drakkoniss back a bit but he dosn't lose his footing, Voldo speaks to Drakkoniss*

"What do you say to Meteorite Battering Rams Drakkoniss?"

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:34:14)


SEASONAL ITEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still distrust Lunarox. ._.

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:36:15)

*Freezes Drakkoniss and Voldo*
/e hugs Voldo
I have missed you mon ami.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:44:25)

That is occuring in the past.

*body crumbles into dust, and it surrounds Voldo, and then flashes brightly, and Voldo is placed in an unbreakable hold as all the meteorites and/or their fragments all impact him*

*appears to be on the ground, looking up at him being hit and eating Pecan Pie*

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:51:18)

So I just broke time again, didn't I?

Just ignore these comments.

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/17/2012 21:53:43)

*Voldo seems to be losing power, perhaps the Evil is taking control again*

*The bruises and cuts from the meteorites don't leave, purple blood flows through Voldo, His teeth bare and he charges towards Drakkoniss, Chaos lightning strikes all around his body, he raises his sword above his head and yells at the top of his voice*

"SOUL EXPLOSION!!!!!!!1111!!!!"

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