RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 22:41:24)

Oh, and I'm getting off for the night.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 22:48:51)


Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 22:52:25)

Well, I suppose that's disappointing Red...thing.

On a random note Question Mark, since you are in league with Eldritch Horrors, does that include a...certain car?

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 22:53:57)

*2.0 jumps in front of Experimental* So you are the famous Experimental? Heh I have heard a lot about you my father refers to you and those lion twins as his arch enemy `s. *picks Experimental up and slams him onto the ground* FOR PAPA!
(note: Darkness King= 2.0`s father. Meh 2.0 got a new coleoer.)

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/11/2012 22:58:45)

(you messed that up kinz. i just highlight the text and choose arial as the font, then replace "arial" with "fixedsys". also, don't forget the color you use for 2.0)

(edit: well, since this event seemed to have slowed down, i guess i'll hit the hay for the night myself)

Immortales -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 6:06:13)

This is now my color for Immortales
and also war?
can I but in
with this
*Cuts his finger and a weird sprinkle of blood fell down on the chudlings*
*the finger grows back like it reformed out of electricity*
now we're ready
*draws a circle using his scythe and some weird markings*
*steps inside the circle*
*the circle went red as blood the markings were now red*
*circles formed around the chudlings body*
ok here we go
*stabs his heart with the tip of the scythe*
*the chudlings squeeled in pain and fell flat on the ground dead*
*pulls out scythe from his' heart*
whew chudlings reduced that's 60% of them for you

*appears from the streets*
*runs toward a hacked APB looking at it with harsh sad eyes*
*punches the APB in the head knocking it 20 meters away while ripping up the streets*
*goes to some destroyers*
*it looks at them with hateful eyes*
*golden electricity burst out from his hands searing through 5 destroyers like a rail gun*
*body slams some mob chudlings making them unconcious*
*runs toward galir galiar something and punches the ground releasing a shock wave tripping him down*

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 9:23:13)

Sure, Red Knight, I'll play with you.
*builds a huge fireball, like with Experimental, and releases it at the Red Knight. Except this time, unlike before, the fireball gathers stones and pieces of the streets and sidewalks, creating a huge ball of lava*

And it... isn't war anymore... My army! ALL OF MY CHUDLING BRETHREN!

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 9:32:20)

You know, this stuff practicly sells itself as entertainment. All I need to do is record it on some cool equipment, put it on Ommicorp TV and the ratings go WAY up![:D]

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 12:23:12)

*easily gets back up* i told you i was busy! we can settle this later! *attacks gavon's followers to attract his attention*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 12:38:26)

Interesting point, Dealer...

Unfortunately, I lost all my commentary, because of a Bluescreen. T_T

I would at this point in time like to state that I very much like the idea of GPB, but find it odd that he can't talk, considering the normal APBs can, or at the very least, can play back prerecorded messages.


Also, A talkdown against the Theif so he does not use it would be awesome. And as for a sound proof prison, people come along to deliver food, they talk to people to make sure they are ok, there's prisoner interactions, there's tranfers... my point is there's a LOT of opptunites for The Dealer to talk, and all he would need is one when he's done with thinking things through, and then you have a riot on your hands...

Not if the situation was designed like I would have it. There are ways around such things, especially if you don't have to work with the law. Hehe...


Seriously, if he wanted he could just talk his enemies into suicide.

My dad did that in a videogame, once. XD


I do wonder if he can out-talk the Will Defier, maybe their powers mysteriously cancel each other out?

The victims' heads would expolde.


/me still wishes he could have random times to talk with The Dealer. :/

Tux, a hood, and a cape might go well.

If the Will Defier actually worked on him, that could potentially skyrocket him into the possition of the most powerful person in the world...

I would also like to talk with him when he was actually using his power, so I can annoyingly resist it. ._.


Posting in case of more Blue Screens.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 12:40:51)

*fire bursts the lid from a man hole, and I direct the Chudlings into it*
I'll kill you, one day, Experimental.
One day.
*draws a dagger across his own wrist, and covers the blade in his blood. Then throws it faster than lightning at Experimental's chest, as it bursts into green flame*
I promise it! *he explodes in smoke, teleporting to the subway sewers to wait in the darkness and shadows with the Chudlings*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 12:46:14)

Is... Vector actually participating, or is he confusing Vector for Experimental?... Haven't gotten to the fight, yet.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 12:49:04)

I mean the cyborg. Bah, I just forget what his name is, so I call him Vector.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 12:52:15)

He is Experimental... ._.



And I said that because one of the people in LOCKDOWN was like "Okay, people like you don't get sent to LOCKDOWN at all, least of all for Tax Evasion. Why are you here?"


If the Dealer turns out to be the main protagonist, that could be burn-your-mind-out epic. lol

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 12:54:54)


If the Will Defier actually worked on him, that could potentially skyrocket him into the possition of the most powerful person in the world...

That remins me, if I ever got my hands of this artifact, I could get rid of the annoying limitations of such a power like the whole cannot affect things that are known. I could talk down gods and emperors!


I would also like to talk with him when he was actually using his power, so I can annoyingly resist it. ._.

There are only two ways it can be resisted:

1: If the person knows it to be false. Let's say they knew I had ordered someone's death. I could not convicne them I had not. This is the best resistance, although he COULD for example still convice you it was for the greater good.

2: Beleif. If someone beleives in something, like a moral code, he cannot convice them otherwise. HOWEVER, with this resistence, it depends on the strengh of the beleif. He would find it really hard to convice someone to abandon their moral code (Though not impossible) But even a slight crack may be enough. If they have been forced to make tough decisions, if they are at breaking point in their beleif, it would be tough to NOT be fooled.

So tell me Drakkonnis. What do you beleive in so much that can resist my power if I were to exert it? That people are naturaly good? That you are not a wreck of a person with your mulitple personalities weakening you? What could make you resist my power when you do not even have a core beleif you can agree on?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:02:24)

I have an extremely strong will, mixed with hyper intelligence and knowledge concerning what you are doing, who you are, moral beliefs to the extreme, combined with philosophical objections to supporting your cause, an extremely controling and manipulative personality, another aspect of my persona making me sophisticated and willing to play along, intelligence and tact enough to gain most of what I need either in other ways or by creating things that should suffice for such roles by myself, a paladin-like belief/motivational system with regards to why I do what I do, and other things, as well.

You misspelled my name, btw. 'T'is Drakkoniss, not "Drakkonnis".

Oh, and there's the question of whether or not it would actually work in practice. Theoretically, I would be letting it through specifically for the semi-high sensation of beign relatively vulnerable, and to see if it would actually work, just for the heck of it, and because it ammuses me. I spent time with the elves. They have a nack for philosophy and mental fortitude, and their eldritch minds makes for interesting sparring partnership in mental duels.


The fact that a possible all out prison riot being a GOOD think scares me a little.

Makes me laugh. XD


so at the moment the DF story takes precedence before I start another one.

Of late, I am annoyed that people keep saying that. It would be priority in such a situation. There are points in time (and situations in which) where such a wording would be acceptable, if not required, but it's used too much, and incorrectly, sadly.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:11:05)

You make the mistake that I use my power like a Hammer of Will. It's more like a scalpal, just inserting it into a otherwise normal conversation, using some kind of wording that seems like nothing. With you, I would start small and ask something innocent just as a test, and then... we would see.

But like I say, I do not use it much anyway. And I doubt I would use it on you. No, for you I would want something more reliable, like a good old fashoned Strengh Multiplier and reflex booster should negotiations fail.[:)]

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:13:58)

(doesn't natter necro, i still know who you mean anyway)

*the dagger lodges into his armor, but is otherwise seemingly unaffected* coward... i knew he couldn't take me on!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:20:44)

If negotiations were to fail that badly, I would kill deal you a death blow in a millisecond or less, so those would not be adequate.

I do not make such a mistake. You view my personality and understanding incorrectly. I would always be aware of your intent, and I have a very... paranoid, I suppose would be the best word, sense of self-preservation. In such a situation, I would be extremely careful, and overanalytical about your statements. My mind works in far different ways than most. I would appear to be completely calm, polite, and even playful and jaunty (I think that would be the correct word; could be wrong), in conversation, but I would be very careful at all times. You would have to be extremely crafty to get anywhere close to a deal, and would probably have to use unconventional methods, compared to your norm, to attempt to do so. It would be a very tricky matter.

On the terms of the deal, you must realize that I both was a lawyer by profession, and now have hyper intelligence as a power, canonically. I would effectively be the most difficult person you'd ever come across, with regards to doing such a thing, which is why I am so fascinated by the idea.

Oh, and it's a scalpel, not a scalpal.


Edit: Now, what shall you do about 2.0, and what shall I possibly do about this bloody knight-fellow?

Oh, and I have the awesomes armor/s. ^-^ (lol)

*chuckles at Clown's compliments to the Dealer's character* I've got my tricks as well. ;)

Games within Games. Chessmatches with little people in seats of power. Decks of aces up my sleeve. Foresight.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:23:58)


Of late, I am annoyed that people keep saying that. It would be priority in such a situation. There are points in time (and situations in which) where such a wording would be acceptable, if not required, but it's used too much, and incorrectly, sadly.

He hasn't even started the HS story yet, and he's just saying that his DF one that he has made a good bit of progress in takes priority. Oh and by the way, how is your story going?

EDIT: I hate this keyboard.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:30:55)

Oh, it would definatly be a challenge. And one I would look forward too. However, while you would almost certanly match me in a game of wits, you underestimate all my wonderfull toys for sure. I never said HOW much they Boosters increase my strengh and reflexes. You would be quite surprised I assure you. If I were to sell THOSE on the market rather then keeping them for myself... Well Clown would be the least of ANY heroes issues. And When combined with my little secret... I would be a match for the gods. Do not make the mistake of underestimating my gadgets my friend. I need to be able to compete with the reality warpers and the Elderich Abominations, and trust me: I can do so.


Oh, and it's a scalpel, not a scalpal.

Oh, that was deliberate. a Scalpal is a scalpel that is also your pal.[:D]

Also, you need to write Dealer Vs Drakkonniss Conversation in one of your tales sometime.[:)]

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:31:57)

Oh, I quite realize that he meant to say it took priority, but so many people make that mistake it's annoying.

I'll probably post another chapter of my story this week. Still not fully formed in my mind, but things have been interfering with my time, and I've had quite a few things to do. I have the basic idea of what to do next, though. The real question on my mind is whether or not to do what I think I will, directly after that. It might be too soon.

@The Dealer: The real question is whether or not you could survive an explosion within your skull, which would be what I would do immediately after you are somehow able to dodge faster than the speed of light, at point-blank range, if you are able to do so.

I might, some time, but it might be a wee bit down the lines. It's been something I've had on my mind since the original appearance of your character, before he got a company.

I'd like to know if/how much Clown is offended that he needs less guarding than the Dealer. Clown seems to have a natural speech ability similar to the Dealer's, btw. That would be due to an understandign of psychology, I'd say.

And hey, with so much destruction, including a nuclear bomb, recently, which has had its radioactive fallout cleaned up by me personally, if anyone was wondering why there weren't massive negative side-effects (someone tell me if someone else did this... -.-), I suppose it's a relatively good thing to have the new Pythagoras buildings. I still don't trust him, though. Almost as much as I don't trust you, who I trust slightly more than the Devil, who I've met.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:42:00)


Oh, I quite realize that he meant to say it took priority, but so many people make that mistake it's annoying.

You make annoying mistakes too, and I dont go and correct you on every single one.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:48:43)

I know. I'm not perfect, nor is anyone. I did that because my comments are sortof rambling monologues. They comment on quite a few different things, which happen to be whatever catches my eye then.


Three choices if you count Jno Labs though they are much smaller then Omnicorp and Pythagoras Laboratories. Plus they really only make hero gadgets and the like.

I could always make the secret corporations I sell things to the government with at least partially available for business to the public, too. Rather little business, anyway, at least of late.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 13:57:34)

Drakkoniss: Well it's good that you know you aren't perfect, and just let me know if you need help with your story. I'd gladly help.

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