Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/12/2012 18:59:05)
Hmm... So... I wonder when this RP is going to continue... Pythagoras for mayor, hmm? Don't think Yergen would like that too much... quote:
Too much red. The only good red is blood. I think Zafara would agree. Not quite sure of that, considering she posts in red... and so do I... and my hair is red... and many of my armors have red on them... as do hers. @ The Red Knight: I disagree. Infrared is baaad red. Too close to pink. quote:
First, Lunairoz, I don't plan on capturing you. I plan on killing you. O.o (Wonder how he'd manage that...) Very interesting description of Thursday, and his personas. quote:
Revenants are- were dead people, that have become possessed by spirits. Most of the time, the one who dies accepts many spirits into his body, in return for his life. So he basically lives in his body with a few other spirits. Good fun. Those things were very annoying in Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader. Took ages to kill, because of their high HP, and they sometimes nearly got me to points where I was in actual danger of dying (my character was twinked, at the time)... Especially when they had the help of other undead. XD