Lycus -> RE: The causes of multiple hacks? (3/11/2012 6:36:11)
Firstly, this topic is against the rules, so I'm going to lock it up, but first I'll explain this. The main thing I feel I need to explain here is that this is NOT hacking, hacking is using a program to force entrance to someone account with out their permission, this is completely impossible with the security in place. This is them being scammed. Now we already have worked very hard to try and make it extremely clear not to give out account information no matter what. It is not only against the rules to give out your account info, but it also leads you to lose your account, and items etc. to be sold. This is why we always ask players not to give out their information, if they are stubborn enough to go against all warnings and do so, I'm afraid that is not our problem. We have the Help Team in place to try and sort all these problems out, and return accounts to their rightful owners, but of course this doesn't completely solve the issue. So my advise is DON'T give out any account information no matter what. This is not an issue with fame, it's an issue of people who are too lazy to level up their own accounts, don't want to pay money, and get a thrill out of making people upset, unhappy and angry. If someone tries to ask for your information, then you SS it and send it to The Lawman or a Moderator, myself, Ashari or Cinderella, we'll deal with that person. Do not fall for this, that is the only way to ensure your safety!