5+ Battle Modes (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> 5+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 18:19:25)

Would you like to play more battle modes aside from 1v1, 2v2, juggernaut, and boss battles?

What types of ideas do you have in mind?

Battle Royale/ 4 person free-for-all
Sudden Death/ reduced health, extra damage
Master/ unlimited energy
Super Juggernaut/ 1v3
Fluky/ luck is at 10% or lower on everything

Faction Battle/ opposing faction members battle

Survivor/ 50% to critical hit

Battle Royale/ 3 person free-for-all

Death Tyrant/ 3 person free-for-all, 10 DoT to all players

Fair Play/ enhancements and equipment stats do not count in battle

Armageddon/ different battle backgrounds affect gameplay

Imba/ 1000 health, unlimited skills, no rage, no healing, high chance to critical hit, no enhancements

Tag-Team/ 3v3, 1 player at a time, tagging a teamate has a cost to energy

Faction Battle/ factions challenge one another for the highest # of wins in a time limit
Capture the base/ pretty a CoD reference, battle opposing faction members for dominance over a base
Hardcore/ item weight limits (determines player stamina), limited ammunition, weather in battle, no healing, items have durability, malfunction and tactical failures in battle

Faction Tournament/ 2 or more factions challenge one another, in a fight to the death, all available members must duel

Endless/ 1v1, no regenerating health or energy after a battle, keep fighting till you collapse (hopefully no loop-healing)

Mr. Black OP -> RE: 4+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 18:20:57)

Battle royale, 4 people (no chat to prevent people from ganging up on one person), they fight against each other.
Sudden death, 1v1 where players start with 1/2 (person going second gets 3/5 to balance it out) health and get 5 more damage for their primary, sidearm, and auxiliary.
Skill master, players fight normally with infinite energy.
3v1 Juggernaut, a Juggernaut vs 3 low levels, for instance lv 34 vs 3 21s-25s.
Where's my lucky penny?, a 1v1 where blocks, critical strikes, and deflects have only 1/10 the chance of happening. (can go below minimum)

rayniedays56 -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 19:45:08)

um...FACTION BATTLES? Where a person from one faction challenges another faction member?

The founders challenge each other?

Or just HUGE faction battles where the whole faction challenges another. Whoever wins gets 25 hours put on their Flag capture record, and they gain 500 pts. to their faction score.

The loser loses 10 hours on their Flag record and loses 100 pts.

Kidarmadyl -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 20:17:10)

wow, the 4 man battle royal sounds like a blast. it'll be hard getting that achievement..

I would love to play on this mode. [:)]

Sageofpeace -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 20:27:48)

Survivor were all player have a 50 crt

Basicball -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 20:37:04)

a 3 man battle royal would be cooler IMO

IvanXY -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 21:16:55)

I like Zman's battle royal idea.

DeathGuard -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 21:31:05)

Death's Tyranny:
The battlefield contains acids that takes away 10 hp per turn to each player on it, the last one to survive is the winner. The acid can kill an opponent e.g.
xDeathGuardx has 9 hp left, but it is his turn but due to acid, he takes 10 damage and dies. It will consists of 3 players :P. Obviously they would have to kill the strongest and then kill between the two left being damaged by acid hehehe

IvanXY -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/15/2012 22:12:40)

Fair treat: A battle where enhacements and stat points from weapons/armors are are ignored and doesn't change def, res, etcétera.

Hatsuka -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 0:02:29)

Demi God mode : Twice all the Stats, Energy and Health, need a Card for doing it ( Like Juggernaut card).

Rui. -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 3:08:02)

not to be an ass, but if the developers cant add a jugg button to the interface these battle modes are only gonna look good on paper.
Instead what can be implemented is, the battle background adding value to the fight.
Example; click 2 on 2 and the fight takes place in an acid swamp, all players loose 5 health per turn.
Example; click 2 on 2 and fight takes place on mount everest. All energy damage get +10 damage boost.
Example; click 2 on 2 and fight takes place in the forest, every one has a random chance to get stunned by snakes. Luck based fight.

These are just a few thoughts.

midnight assassin -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 10:03:21)

Imba fight

Every players will start with 1000hp then they can use all skills anytime( Except stun, multishot and ultimate skills. Warm up and it's cooldowns still apply). Also no rage and heals will be allowed in this fight. This match can be 1v1, 2v2 or Jugger but the jugger gets double damage and starts first. Crits chance will be insanely increased to 30%. Enhancement does not work in this mode.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 10:14:01)

idk that will split players in same server so that will be very hard to find battles or we will keep facing same ppl always :/

More battle modes in near future can harm the game in my opinion.

drinde -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 10:49:16)

Tag Team:

You and 3 other players are divided into two teams. If you are tagged IN, you battle the tagged opponent. If you are not, you stay back until tagged by the active player. Tagging your team mate costs 10 EP, but gives you +10 HP as you retreat. If someone DCs, the remaining players get a WIN but the runner gets a loss.

Stabilis -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 13:14:38)


EDIT: Let me just say, guys, free-for-all may not be all that enjoyable... unless you win of course. If you have ever played Arcanists from FunOrb, its not like every turn will be random. No, players will team up on people because of discrimination since they have free choice ("Lets kill the varium noob first"... You: "Oh my God... seriously?"). What you CAN do, is have a match set up of for example 8 players. That equals 4 1v1 matches happening at once. As soon as a 1v1 match ends, the winner is on hold and waits for another of the 1v1 matches to end. When another player has finished a match then the 2 available players are set against each other. This happens until the last 1v1 match occurs.

Lord Machaar -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 13:25:45)

Actually when they make the Juggernauts in a level of a respected Battle Mode, then we should think about new ones...

liy010 -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 13:34:31)


Imba/ 1000 health, unlimited skills, no rage, no healing, high chance to critical hit, no enhancements

Does this have Cooldown?

If not then...Mass, Mass, Mass, Mass, Mass, Mass, Repeat...

Stabilis -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 13:38:16)



midnight_assassin said:

Imba fight

Every players will start with 1000hp then they can use all skills anytime( Except stun, multishot and ultimate skills. Warm up and it's cooldowns still apply). Also no rage and heals will be allowed in this fight. This match can be 1v1, 2v2 or Jugger but the jugger gets double damage and starts first. Crits chance will be insanely increased to 30%. Enhancement does not work in this mode.

nico0las -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 13:49:23)

Faction vs Faction, in a contest for overall wins in x amount of time.

Another would be FFA, but that's hard to do. It's turn based, so it may not be easy,
and you have a tactical disadvantage because you can't defend yourself for three turns.

We could have territory wars. Factions fight for control of "bases" throughout an arena,
and the faction to control the most bases at the end of 15 (example) minutes wins. You stand on the red circle to capture it.
When an opponent walks in, you go into battle with them.

Lastly, we could have hardcore mode. An item was x weight, auxiliaries and guns have ammo, weather influences the battle, you have no heals, weapons
have a durability and then break, you get tired, you can miss shots, your skills may not work due to malfunctions, things like that.

Hiddenblade -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 15:49:49)

battle forever mode,

keep battling players until you die no heals between battles. you can only vs people who are also using this mode.

sotsemod -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (3/16/2012 16:33:57)

Legion vs exile fights (the war would finally make sense!)
and tournaments of course

i like bounty hunter -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (4/14/2012 11:47:26)

How about an class only 2vs2 battle


Only bounty hunters are allowed in the battle.

And i am a chump [8D]

ansh0 -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (4/14/2012 11:57:42)

Deleted my me

Basicball -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (4/14/2012 12:41:22)

Necrobump >.>

I'll pm a mod/AK for a lock

EDIT: none online, i'll try again later

Stabilis -> RE: 5+ Battle Modes (4/14/2012 12:42:19)

Sorry guys this thread is bumped from the dead, so we cannot post here. 'x'

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