=HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (Full Version)

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Plasma Charge -> =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/16/2012 12:23:35)


Randor the Red
March 16, 2012
St. Patrick's Day!
This weekend we celebrate St. Patrick's Day! If you can find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow then you be in luck! (head over to the Park now!). Polistar has made a special gun for the shop :)
Also St. Patrick's Day is my Grandmother's and Sister's Birthday! Happy Birthday to them and to all that celebrate their birthday this day

Next week the scavenger hunt to find parts of a lendary sword begins! (One part the "Core" is found in the Daily Shop)

Tags: Randor the Red St. Patrick's Day Polistar Daily Shop

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/16/2012 12:30:27)

This sounds like fun.

Plasma Charge -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/16/2012 12:37:11)

It's live right now!
The new gun is Awesome! =D

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/16/2012 14:33:36)

Sounds green-tastic!

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/16/2012 15:23:14)

I'm really looking forward to this Legendary sword. Must... assemble... pieces...

Digital X -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/16/2012 16:07:49)

A special gun eh? Many thanks Poli :) Going to go grab my goodies now ^^

Cookielord12 -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/16/2012 16:19:07)

I love the hat :)

alexjones50 -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/16/2012 18:33:03)

sigh another lousy release, though i'll admit next weeks release sounds mildly interesting as it appears there may be some challenge invovled in getting the sword parts.

Devastate -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/17/2012 23:47:52)

Heading to the park to see if it's gonna offer me some entertainment.

FBI -> RE: =HS= DN's St. Patrick's Day March 16th (3/19/2012 3:44:15)

The only cool looking thing in there was the gun and btw guys is the like a mission for this release?
It seems you have to find some thing..

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