RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 21:21:50)

Drakkoniss, is it safe to assume that Zafara is one of your weaknesses?


Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 21:32:58)


*Pandora raises her hands over her head, turning the barrier that surrounded Auroa park into a energy vacuum that begins pulling back the pandoran energy from the Smashers of the city*

Darkness King: Is a allein not effected.

2.0: Is a robot not affected.

White Demon: A demon not effected

Agent K Lightingale: human not effected

Intellect AKA Jhon Reno: human not effected

Accelerator 3G: Now this is tricky. His grandpa got the power of super agility from Pandora`s sacrifice. The powers evolves with each new generation. His sup agility will be affected. His super speed, may be kinda effected as well. Though his super strength would NOT be effected.

Chemical Reaction; This depends if you mean the energy from her sacrifice, if so no. If you mean the energy from the Pandoraen malachite then yes, he is effected.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 21:38:49)

One, among a few, but an interesting few. That has become apparently glaringly obvious, considering. I both understand and don't get why people would want to do something so meaningless, at the same time, especially considering the repercussions. :/

I do have other ones, though.

Oh, and the energy directly emited by the Malachite has been stated to be different than that emited by her during the Sacrifice, I do believe. ;)

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 21:56:17)

It saddens to see the leave of some many people from the RP. Also the current eye color for WB doesn`t really matter, because his current form is just a glamour.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 21:57:56)

Indeed, and I just got here. Sucks to have people leave.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 22:09:38)

sad, yes, but also true. :/

as for me, i have... more important matters to deal with

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 22:51:14)

I was never really too active in RP anyway. Mostly just to talk to Drakkoniss in-character and occasionally the Clown.

The game itself is dying, and with it the RP dies as well.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 23:12:41)

Bah. This RP has endured many months of the game being dead on end. It's the fact that so many powerful characters are being part of it, now, as they themselves cited.

I edited my proto-advanced pro/con list. It has some of my powers that require activation, now.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 23:34:52)

"Wait. Just, just give me a chance man. Jeez. Let's see what you've got. Where is this cyborg anyhow? I bet I can fix him. He can't be that tough. He's called Experimental, right? You know, I was messing around with some cybernetic enhancements earlier, but I'm not too sure about them. I brought some parts over here just in case though."

*Johnny pulls a pair of beautiful red and black hydraulic legs, complete with interface joints and a waist unit, from the large box.*

"HMPH... And, there we go. So, shall we get to work?"

Oh man.
Sorry to see you go, Crystal.
Hopefully Johnny Massacre can cary on your legacy as the "Not-really-very-super-powered person trying to make it in a city of gods and their punching bags."
I really do think that we need to tone down the powers though.
After a while, the whole power-posturing, "mine-is-better-than-yours" thing starts to wear a bit thin.
Perhaps we should try to transition from the Silver Age to the more gritty, noir style of super-hero fiction.
The more realistic super-hero stories are usually the best, anyhow.
God-like power should really be constrained to god-like beings.
And god-like being should really not be role-played unless they don't really interact with other beings.
I really can't believe that this needs to be said, but it seems that it might.

Oh, and in passing, JACK was basically an attempt to take Drakkoniss down a peg or two.
He was dangerous in the physical world, and pretty much invincible in a biodiverse location.
Unfortunately, Drakkoniss was a bit too crafty for his own good, and essentially ended up killing off my anti-god-moding character by placing him amongst his superiors.
Welp, off to the old drawing board!

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/18/2012 23:50:40)


And god-like being should really not be role-played unless they don't really interact with other beings.
I really can't believe that this needs to be said, but it seems that it might.

This was basically what I intended on my first day here (though I know, given the power I chose for my own character, I'm not a great example), I did not intend to offend anyone for having such a character :/

I'm all for a more realistic take.

Also, as Drakkoniss pointed out powerful characters, there are other ways for one to be powerful. The Dealer for example, can only talk. But he's preeeetty darn good at it.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 0:01:49)


And god-like being should really not be role-played unless they don't really interact with other beings.

I follow this rule with the Eventide, yay.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 0:30:08)

*sigh* I have to admit that I've also been seriously thinking about pulling myself out of this completely. One of the main reasons that I've had almost no part in this so far is because Mary Sues tend to irritate me and make me not want to bother with the RP at all.

Clown has pointed out before that in a story even a mere human can potentially bring down a god-like character if he figures out a weakness that he can exploit. But it doesn't exactly work that way in a RP, because a godmodder will never admit defeat. He'll just make up some reason why he's immune to whatever you just did, and then do something and declare himself the winner. Or something like that.

But meh, I'm not pulling myself out just yet.

Don't worry, it's not you. You've just been saying what many of us have been thinking.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 0:44:50)

what's happening fill me in please
although i did read sir nite's comment
that's why i have been trying to lower my
uhhm powers anyway tons of you are stronger than me
please anyway what's happening?!?!

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 0:46:43)

Two people dropped RPing, one due to their characters not being able to keep up, the other due to feeling his character was one of the OP ones causing this.

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 1:07:19)

who quit?!?
*slices a tree in half*

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 1:08:02)

Crystal Lion and Delta Blitz apparently.

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 1:34:59)

*Evil Voldo appears in a red flash inside the Dealers room*

"Quick you must hear this, the fate of the world depends on it!!!!"

*Evil Voldo tells the Dealer the whole story*


*Voldo's form flickers and starts to fade, Suddenly he starts to smirk and shouts in a sinister voice*

"FOOLS, NoW yOu HavE FaTeD ThE WOrlD TO itS dEmISe!"

Plot Climax

*Voldo pulses with Purple and Red lightning, Before everyones eyes Voldos body splits, a Dark explosion fills the air, when it subsides there are two Voldo's, one Purple, one red. The red one speaks*

"What have you done!?

"I have seperated our personallities into two bodies

"Do you realise you have just destroyed the balance of Time and Space!?

"I know, there are some laws in physics that will cause the entire World, perhaps the galaxy to be destroyed, like how Drakkoniss nor Clown must be killed permantley, or how you can't kill someone from the past or future, In this case that ChaotiVoid must not be seperated into different entities, the Lords of Order try their best to keep the world balanced but to cause real Chaos I had to break one of thelaws of Time and Space, so with this happening the world will fall InTO uNbAlAnCe AnD It wIll DeCaY aNd ImPlOde!!!!"

"Then the only way to save us all is to refrom the pieces of ChaotiVoid!

"Fat chaNce I'M gOiNG tO rEfORM wIth You, HaVe FuN DIENG!!!!!"

*Chaos Voldo disappears in a flash of purple light*

*Evil Voldo goes off to find the Dealer and let everyone know about the fate of the world*

*Meanwhile in a Shadowy Area a figure stands, he looks just like Voldo but instead of any Red or Purple he is completley Black, he speaks to himself*

So, the fabrics of the world have been ripped apart, pitty I was hoping for the world to last a little longer, but that is not my choice to make, the Shadows will not intervieme with the fate of the world, if the world is destined to be destroyed so be it, but hopefully the Heroes and Villains realise that there is a third mixture in ChaotiVoid and not just Chaos and Evil...

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 1:36:42)

well that kinda sucks what's happening now?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 1:38:55)

Voldo: So it's the end of days again? Why can't we just have a nice day once in a while? I mean a picnic won't destroy us all.

primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 1:44:59)

Blame Chaos Voldo not me ._.

I mean Clown has caused Apocolyptic actions many times

Star Screamer did it once

So I thought it should be my turn, But anyway might as well stop this Armaggeddon early so that later in the year you get nice picnics instead of waking up in the morning finding the Universe colapsing.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 1:57:05)

Suddenly, a massive starship lands just outside the Omnicorp office.
It appears to be made of paper and ink, and seems more alive than mechanical.
Its motion is fluid and beautiful, unlike anything that you have ever seen.
From some unidentifiable point within it, Professor Pythagoras steps out, looked worried but still as dapper as ever.
He looks about at the impending collapse of reality and sighs.
"Can't I just leave town for a week without someone ending the world?
Is that too much to ask?

I suppose that it is, isn't it...
Well, the good news is that The Providence is unlocked, meaning that this should all end soon enou-
Oh. Wait. I never told you what the Providence was, did I?
Well, that will have to wait until after way save the world I suppose.
Priorities and all that, you know?

Zeuzt -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 2:01:42)

so uhm battle over
*zzip zzip leave guards and go back top base*
*runs to a building*

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 4:39:29)

So the world's ending...yet again.
Course, it should be ok in theory. since the Sun was around in "my" we all have an eventual happy ending.

Anyhow, I hope those leaving do come back, apologies for any...uncertainty I may or may not've caused.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 4:42:15)

Glais: Time can be rewritten. Trust me, I know.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 4:45:14)

On another note, I cannot use myself as a base because being outside of Time=Paradoxes don't affect me.

I will need to watch this apocalypse closely ~_^

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