What's your favourite robot? Why? (Full Version)

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Clavier -> What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 16:54:56)

Mine is the Azrael's Borg because I really like its special :)

PivotalDisorder -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 17:02:50)

Vendbot because it has item search and boosters.

Basicball -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 18:20:57)

Gamma bot, best bot for juggernauts in my oppinion

Stabilis -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 18:22:32)



ScarletReaper -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 20:57:55)

Assault bot. More usefull special than Azreal's borg in my opinion. :p

Agiluz -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 21:25:05)

Gamma Bot, it has more offensive choice for focus builds.

My Name is Jake -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 21:33:43)

Gamma Bot for 5 focus because of better damage than other bots and the choice between energy and physical damage.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 21:40:17)

For artistic appeal and visual impact, Gamma Bot is amazing. I also enjoy Yeti too.

In regard to specials and attacks, I don't have any, simply because, I feel they have too much influence in matches, and should be used as a tool.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 21:54:06)

my favorite will always be the assault bot, new and rusted. you won't get a better special than removing 80% of debuffs.

Retrosaur -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 21:55:57)


Vendbot because it has item search and boosters.


Stabilis -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 21:58:02)

I am no longer a Focus fighter (using Focus for damage output) as of the balance changes that split Robot attacks in half and stitched them together in a 4 turn cooldown, and the lack of the sixth Focus for today's conventions. Therefor you can exclude the Gamma Bot. Due to the numbers of Strength opponents that I face, ranged weapons are not majorly an issue, especially since Technology calculates Deflections now. Therefor you can exclude the Baby Yeti. I simply do not favour nerfer skills or maniulating the enemy's stats, so you can therefor exclude Azrael's Borg. I am somewhat troubled by Agility because health eventually becomes a nonsensical stat to allocate with the defences reductions Agility brings. Therefor you can exclude the Bio Borg. That leaves me with the Assault Bot and Rusted Assault Bot. I do mind either of them, as damage for Robots is not a priority of mine, so Assault Bots it is.

kittycat -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 22:47:37)

Assault Bot because I face debuffs usually more than buffing myself.

rejaylob -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 22:55:24)

For defensive: Assault Bot/Rusted Assault Bot
For 5 Focus: Gamma Bot
For Str build: Azrael's Borg

Silent blood -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/22/2012 23:19:38)

well we have had this post recently..but gamma bot because it has energy and physical attack

LSSJ -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/23/2012 17:54:16)

assault bot maybe

Cookielord12 -> RE: What's your favourite robot? Why? (3/23/2012 17:56:24)

BioBorg because it looks awesome

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