Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (Full Version)

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rayniedays56 -> Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/29/2012 22:00:11)

So guys, how are you all liking how the game has become. Do you like the storyline, classes, and etc. Do you think that ED is going the right or wrong way?

For example, ED went from this:


To this:


I'm going to let this thread remain, but I'm going to watch it carefully. Balance discussions MUST be in the dedicated balance thread. Please follow the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules. The point of this thread is to discuss the evolution of ED and what you've liked/disliked about somethings. Please be very careful in discussing and don't go overboard with anything. Also I edited the title to make it a little more concise. ~Practel

Basicball -> RE: Generally Asking in the General Discussion :) (3/29/2012 22:14:58)

actually, it started way back here.

one could even say it's roots lay here

Removed off-topic link. Please do not link to non-AE related games. ~Ashari

endtime -> RE: Generally Asking in the General Discussion :) (3/29/2012 22:23:45)

Wow those are some surprising links Basicball. There has certainly been a tremendous evolution, especially with regards to storylines. I remember when ED only had the stories located in the forums and once you entered the game the storyline had little impact/presence. Now with the advent of missions and the recent war, there definitely seems to be really good progress towards stories and the non-PVP aspects of the game.

BlueKatz -> RE: Generally Asking in the General Discussion :) (3/29/2012 22:31:15)

ED' doing very well imo. The only terribly thing they did imo is the Fame system. I also don't quite like how they put Bot in game

rayniedays56 -> RE: Generally Asking in the General Discussion :) (3/29/2012 22:34:14)

Bluekatz...keep it limited on the discussion. We want to keep this thread, so don't put any balancing :) thanks :D

I, for one, enjoyed the War. It gave a storyline (which I love in games) and helped remind me of DF, which has a very interesting storyline.

Once more, I have also liked the way the Staff made it seem like the Exiles were going to take back Fortune City, but then Alydria killed the plan. Very nice twist :)

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Generally Asking in the General Discussion :) (3/29/2012 23:04:56)

Ya, the game has evolved Tremendously , but , all i wish , is to be "Alpha Player" [8D]

I could have been , as matter of fact , coz i remember , during ED's alpha stage i was playing AQ :O ( /Facepalm)

Drianx -> RE: Generally Asking in the General Discussion :) (3/30/2012 4:14:24)

The evolution itself is amazing and I admire the hard work and commitment put into it. Too bad the developers made some stupid decisions sometimes, that got many people sick and ragequit - me included. I won't say more, cuz I don't wanna lock the thread.

drinde -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 4:21:19)

In my opinion, the one thing that really backfired was Fame. Instead of making people fame players who deserve it, it has turned into a kind of begging.

hardcore59 -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 4:24:40)

like: before gamma

hate:gamma and after

Stabilis -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 6:19:50)

I like... mudkipz... but more importantly... the development of special procs and battle abilities on items.

I do not like fame as well.

drinde -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 6:22:20)



I like... mudkipz...


Also, the Enhancement feature was not a well-planned one (in terms of in-game effects), in my point of view.

Especially on Guns and Auxes.... Yeah, who wanted them before, anyways?

The art is good though... But Caden is still orange, for some reason.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 11:52:26)

^^Don't forget we WANTED enhancements, lol. I remember it getting shoved back and back. Basicball, was that flash game really the origin of ED? Where did you get those links?

ScarletReaper -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 13:30:18)

The only thing I haven't enjoyed is the constant class nerfing, and buffing. It kinda sucks or rules depending on which side of the axe you fall. I never got a chance to be alpha. I started in beta. Kinda sucks, but can,'t change the past I guess. [8D]

Basicball -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 14:03:09)

everything that's still in the post was shared in the latest livesteam Q&A.
the game ashari deleted from the post was to an old, space-invader-like game NW made in 2007
(apearently i'm not permitted to give you the link, sorry)

I got that ages already, you know, hours an days of researching/googeling about (the history of) the game do that to you xD

you'd be wondered what you can find about the game/devs if you know where to look.
buuuuuut that's probally all i should say about it. everyone needs his/her privacy

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 14:07:53)

^^Sent u a P.M. basic.


Another alpha thing.

JariTheMighty -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 14:46:33)

^That skull looks pwnage. I wonder why they changed it... :o

On topic, I have played since Beta, and one thing I've really liked is the animation slider. Also lag (time between turns) has reduced drastically.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 14:50:16)


3v3 in alpha test 2!!!!!!


Old sats

old shop: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/1487_39376376708_39372616708_1176161_8748_n.jpg

idk: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1487_39376051708_39372616708_1176151_7690_n.jpg


What weapon is that: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/1487_39375091708_39372616708_1176099_6399_n.jpg

Old hank: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/1487_39375106708_39372616708_1176102_7663_n.jpg

Is that 3rd skill diamond blades?: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/1487_39375111708_39372616708_1176103_8116_n.jpg

Velstra lookin good ;): https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1487_39375226708_39372616708_1176106_6207_n.jpg

Wootz -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 16:21:13)

Those pics are amaizing!
The most confusing one is this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/1487_39376296708_39372616708_1176160_4810_n.jpg
I can definetly see Smoke Screen, Field Medic, Energy Shield, the other two...I dunno.
And did you notice the +6 on the Primary?
AND DUDE! It even says "Connection" !

How did you even find these?

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 16:33:54)

I have em.

Wootz -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 16:37:37)

Ferrealz. How? Where? When? What? How?
I feel like a journalist. :P

Practel -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 16:39:08)

Many of those Alpha Photos were from an old facebook for ED :)

I think it's interesting that ED once had a 3v3!

Wootz -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 16:42:40)

True story.
I really wonder why it was left out. Now, shall we troll Nightwraith on Twitter! ;)

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 16:46:22)

Nah, lets not do that. I saw both of their real life facebooks /stalker.

They seem really nice lol.

That's the last thing i want to do.

Wootz -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 17:02:02)

I just saw the old Facebook page. :P
Nice pics, indeed. Especially at that con. :P

GiantBendyStraw -> RE: Evolution of ED - What have you liked/disliked? (3/30/2012 17:23:07)

main thing i don't like is how they introduce 3 new classes yet they only have like 3 or 4 of there own skills and during battle they don't have they're
own attack animations, could they at least try when making something as huge as new classes?

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