(HS)Fallen Champion (Full Version)

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Skiatra -> (HS)Fallen Champion (4/2/2012 11:38:31)

Fallen Champion
The Story of Skiatra

(Discuss here- Fallen Champion Discussion)

The warp is a place where only demons exist. A spiralling void of chaos. Until unity was brought into the void. Malice,the banished god, summoned up a champion,a single being that would be able to unite the warp. His name, was Skiatra. Skiatra was created by Malice's cultists, given the power of the 4 chaos gods, the power of strength,from the blood god Khorne. The powers of death and decay,from the Nurgle, god of disease. The powers of intelligence and sorcery form the god of magic and change,Tzneetch, and finally,he was given the powers of manipulation and the power to endure pain, from the god Slaanesh. Malice gave Skiatra the powers of destruction and vengeance. Soon, Skiatra was himself, a god. He began to slaughter the legions of demons and cultists sent at him by the other gods. It didn't take long,before Skiatra killed his first god,Nurgle, resulting in his legions collapsing,and joining Malice.

The three remaining gods knew that they would never be able to defeat, yet, Khorne, King of The Warp, insisted that Skiatra could be defeated. The god's quarelling led to an all out war between them. Khorne managed to strike down both Tzneetch and Slaanesh, but, the fighting left Khorne crippled, and he was easily defeated by Skiatra. Malice was named King of The Warp. His name was changed to Malal, which,in the tounge of demons, meant "Emperor". Soon, Skiatra grew tired of Malal, and Malal knew that Skiatra was plotting against him...

Chapter 1:

The Throne room was silent, a court of ugly,funny looking creatures sat around Malal, these were his advisors, his most trusted men, his most trusted friends. The room was decorated with skulls,and spikes. Some of the spikes still had corpses on them, the walls were lined with blood,and the chaos insignia, painted in purple, onto ripped cloths. Malal's throne was decorted with with skulls as well, from behind, pink fire flickered , no crackling from the the fire though, only sounds of screams, screams of pain and anguish.

Suddenly, the doors swung open, the echo of them hitting the walls seemed to go on forever. Through the doors,walked in a hooded figure,a cape of bones trailed along the floor, the bones were hidden of course, by a thick layer of a material that seemed similar to bear fur. His shoulders were weighed down by four spikes, on the spikes,were four skulls, rather large skulls. All four glowed with the same pink flame, that swirled around the spikes on his shoulders. From the shoulders down, was his armor, thick plating, decorated with engraved sketches of war, in the middle of his chest, the symbol of Malal rested, it was a skull that was one side black,the other white. All his armor was like this, one side of his armor was white,the other black. His armor continued in this fashion, sketches of war, mostly his past victories. His boots had a pointed spike on them, jsut before the boot ended, on the tip of the spike,was a small skull.

The court of advisors stood up, Malal stay sat, the court bowed, as Skiatra bowed back, they took their seeats, as Malal began to speak.

" Uk'lavish inkanal un'balirifa elknoste alok narvish" He spoke in the tounge of demons, his voice a deep ,booming accent.( For the rest of the story, the chaos language will be translated into english, because if it wasn't, well....what would be the point?[:D])

" Skiatra, Champion of Chaos, you may speak". Said one of the advisor's as his eyes went up from his seat to Skiatra.

" Thank you, Lord Uk'vel, Malal, almighty Emperor of The Warp, you have brought me here because you have accused me of trying to kill you, at the summoning ceremo-" Skiatra spoke as he slowly paced from left right, he was interrupted by Malal.

" SILENCE! I am not going to sit around the next hour and litsen to you protest your innocence, I know it was you" Malal's sword was unsheathed, it was a huge blade, a pink glowed irrdiated from it, just it's presence made your brain hurt.

"Protest my innocence...." He looked down at the floor for a brief moment, he began to giggle. "HAHAHA, MALAL,YOU CRACKE ME UP! I'm NOT protesting my innocence HAHAHA, The assassins failed" He smirked,as he unsheathed his two weapos, two smaller versions of Malal's sword ,yet,they were still rather large. " I'm here to finish the job".

Malal struck at the ground, letting out a scream, the sword hit the ground,letting out a pulse of energy,yet, Skiatra was no where to be found. Malal looked around, he was breathing heavily, he knew that Skiatra did have a chance of beating him.

Suddenly,Skiatra appeared on Malal's neck, Malal was a huge,dragon like beast, he easily gripped onto the spikes that ran down his neck.

"Miss me?" Skiatra pulled out two of the spikes on Malals neck, Malal screamed. Skiatra slid down, onto Malals' back, stabbing the spikes into his spine. Malal's reached down his back, grabbing Skiatra, he threw him on the ground, the impact made a mark. Skiatra groaned,as he saw a large, three toed foot was about to stomp on him! The foot was stucked in mid-air, a glow had suddenly appeared on around it. It was Skiatra's sorcery. Uses his powers, Skiatra flung Malal into one of the room's walls. Malal smashed against the walls, it began to crack,as the whole thing came tumbling down on to Malal, including some of the ceiling. The pile of rubble was still for a while,the room was once again silent.

" AAAAAARRRRGGHHH!" Suddenly, Malal flung all the rubble aside, slapping Skiatra sending him into the thorne of skulls, breaking most of it. Blood dripped from them both, as Skiatra climbed of the skull pile, picking off some that had got stuck on his spikes.

"Perhaps I cannot destroy you,BUT I CAN BANISH YOU".

Skiatra cocked his head a little as Malal spoke,then he laughed. "HAHAHA, yeah right your going to banish me,where exactly?" he chuckled a little more.

Malal smirked as he picked up Skiatra,without anytime to react, Malal took out an amulet, and threw it on the floor. It opened up a void of purple lighting, a void that never seemed to end. Skiatra was dropped into the hole, as he cursed at Malal, yet from the other side of the void,no words could be heard, as he spiralled into the darkness , Skiatra prepared himself to enter where ever Malal had sent him.

( Sorry about any spelling mistakes, I know this was short, but I was only trying to set the scene for the rest of the story.)

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