Design Notes (Full Version)

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My Goldfish Died -> Design Notes (4/3/2012 18:14:38)

Hello people,
Recently, i have been noticing that the design notes have been not been updated often.
I don't know if it's just me, but what do you guys think?
I would love to have design notes everyday Lol.
But, do you guys think that the design notes are taking a bit long?
Need your opinion.
And, if you agree, why do you think this is happening?

Please no flaming and hating.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Design Notes (4/3/2012 18:24:39)

It would be nice but not probable as Cinderella has a job in real life and it takes a lot of time to do a Design Note.
A lot of people, jump one her if anything is wrong, so hence the caution.

At least that is my opinion. :)

Basicball -> RE: Design Notes (4/3/2012 18:43:58)

once a week is cool :)

Practel -> RE: Design Notes (4/3/2012 18:49:37)

There's a reason why we do it once a week. Actually, many reasons.

The primary reason is what is there to talk about every day? Wouldn't it just be easier to do it half way through the week?

The current rate is a nice rate in my opinion, as DN's used to be posted after releases. Cinderella keeps us up to date midway through the week.

However, many instances the staff will tweet pictures, new things coming to ED, or livestream links over twitter. There twitters can be found here:

I'm going to lock this thread, because everyone seems fine with how the DN's currently work, alongside that the team decides whats happening that week on Mondays, so Mondays really don't work well. Also, I'll have Cinderella or Ashari update the Design Notes in the announcements forums, as I have noticed it hasn't in a while.

Please do not remake this thread.

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