liy010 -> RE: Rate The Weapon ^^^ (4/5/2012 19:38:35)
@liy010 Frost Destroyer is a Staff, and Frost Slayer/ Frost Bane is the Swords. I am aware of that. I was rating 8/10 for the above one (Frostbane) and wanted others to Rate Frost Destroyer (Which is a Mutating Weapon, not a staff) Anyways... quote:
Mjolinor 5/10 This might be pretty good of a weapon for low level Mercs/TLMs but all I've seen is level 28s using them and when they do 3 Damage on me, it's sort of a pity...Anyway, I'll probably have a better answer to this when I actually play Merc on my alt Rate Please vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Bionic BattleGear Also, if you don't mind even though this is not a weapon, can you rate: Charfade's Cruiser