new/good ch build's (Full Version)

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Frost Snake -> new/good ch build's (4/10/2012 20:38:11)

Hi all im just looking for new builds to help people and try them out.

So post your build's here :D.

heres mine

1 field medic 1 cheapshot 1 emp
9 plasma armour 10 static charge 1 defense matrix
0 multishot 9 malfunction 0 venom strike
0 plasma grenade 0 massacre 0 shadow arts.

79 hp
47 energy
63+24 str
40+24 dex
40+23 tech
35+6 support

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= new/good ch build's (4/10/2012 20:39:45)


=ED= new/good ch build's

You have to take the =ED= out of your title, only staff may tag your threads sorry. I know, I have tried before [:D].

ScarletReaper -> RE: =ED= new/good ch build's (4/10/2012 20:49:36)

This belongs on the battlestrategy forum.

Frost Snake -> RE: =ED= new/good ch build's (4/10/2012 20:55:51)

@scarlet this is general discusion. we are discusing builds? not stratagey's

Mecha Mario -> RE: =ED= new/good ch build's (4/10/2012 20:56:28)

Sorry, but locking this up for being in the wrong board. Anything related to builds belongs in EpicDuel Battle Strategy. If you wish to post your CH build, you need to do it in EpicDuel Battle Strategy. Follow the format from the Build Template when you post as well. If anyone wants to post their own build, they may do so in EpicDuel Battle Strategy as well. If your looking for new builds, you could always request a new build using the Build Request Template. You could also looked for builds in EpicDuel Battle Strategy Index as well related to CH.

Also, please don't tag (=ED=) your own threads in the future, as that is for AKs/Mods to mark threads official.

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