Epicduel App Discussion (Full Version)

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nbb1315 -> Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 11:30:14)

There should be an app for epicduel! It would expand the amount of users, be good for current players that want to play epicduel on the go instead of using their laggy smartphone web browsers, and also would be a good marketing tool for epicduel as well. This idea may take a little while to be conducted but would definitely be worth it. Furthermore epicduel and all other artix games for that matter need to expand their horizons and try new ideas like an app. Plus i can guarantee almost anyone who has an epicduel account already and has a smartphone will download that app and it will make epicduel that much more popular being on the number 1 list for most downloads and best feedback.

Comment below for any discussions involving this predicament and also why you think there should or should not be an epicduel app.

Retrosaur -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 11:36:39)

You have to consider which platforms, which tablets, which devices can support flash. Keep that in mind. Then find the most concentrated point. Android or iOS?

nbb1315 -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 11:40:21)

my point is that they should make an app for ios so we dont need flash on our phone and for android maybe just a more convenient way to play epicduel.

MrBones -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 11:42:29)

Apple stuff does not use Flash and never will be

Stabilis -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 11:54:39)

EpicDuel for Android!

Apple is often incompatible.

EpicDuel may as well venture into app territory, WoW does an mmo for mobile devices, I would believe that a Flash scripted game would be half the hassle.

Wraith -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 12:10:40)

Dude, are you kidding me?

Just because it's an app, doesn't mean iOS can run Flash. It'll just show a little Lego thing. Plug-in missing sign.

Many, many times the devs have said it would require a complete rewrite of the game, from ActionScript 3 to C++. Why the heck would they do that, then SHRINK the screen size? You won't be able to read chat, can't even battle.

For iPad it's an option. But it wouldn't be any less laggier than Photon.

Android 4, ICS, doesn't support Flash. So forget it on Android. However, this is still pending. Not sure.

Windows Phone is so little used.

Out of iOS 5, Windows Slate with Windows 7, Android ICS, and HP webOS, the now discontinued webOS ran ED the best.

rayniedays56 -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 12:35:26)

The app sounds kind of useful, though it would only be for what Wraith said, an iPad or a tablet.

The new windows 8 supports apps, though, so that one might be considered.

Battle Elf -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 15:21:00)

Like others have said, Apple does not use flash. An app would be very hard to program without flash, if not impossible. Also AQW, being the biggest game of AE, would most likely be the first game to have an app.

Wraith -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (4/12/2012 16:32:27)

Windows 8...I'll test that out with BootCamp, not really working for me. Can someone tell me how to create an install disk for Windows 8? Plzkthnx.

Mac App Store: *glares at the overpriced items* Forget it, it'll drive away free players, forcing you to pay upon starting o.O

Android: Hell no.

iOS: ...

Linux: I already have enough issues with Ubuntu's ability to run flash stuff.

webOS: :DDDDDDD Yessir.

kaiak -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (5/31/2013 4:50:15)

You can play ED from any android or ios with "Puffin" it's a application who got flash support and a decent gameplay just a little bit lags, depends on device

TankMage -> RE: Epicduel App Discussion (5/31/2013 6:21:02)

As this has been necro-bumped, locking this up. Please do not reply to threads that haven't been posted in for more than 2 weeks.

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