Green Dragon Ocarina (Full Version)

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Balu -> Green Dragon Ocarina (4/13/2012 16:02:06)

Green Dragon Ocarina

«Earth misc. Reduces Earth damage taken and increases CHA. Click to summon a Dragonzard guest.»

Location: Grenwog 2012: Bun-Rangers Nitro!
Element: Earth
Level	15	35	75	115	135
PowLvl	15	35	75	115	135
CostLvl	15	35	75	115	135

Price	54	202	11003	713084	5748873
Sell	27	101	5501	356542	2874436
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases CHA by the listed amount.
  • Reduces Earth damage taken by -[Earth]%.
  • Clicking on the Ocarina summons the DragonZard which doesn't cost a turn.
    CHA	+15	+25	+35	+40	+40
    Earth	15	25	35	40	42.5
    SPCost	19	31	44	50	52
    The Green Bun-Ranger has gifted you with a copy of his ocarina as thanks! This mighty instrument will summon the DragonZard!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image courtesy of afterlifex. Description courtesy of blindfury01. Rarity thanks to 1stClassGenesis.


    April 12, 2012: The misc was released.
    April 27, 2012: The misc became rare.
    April 4, 2016: The misc was updated and a new tier was added. See revision for older updates.

  • Balu -> RE: Green Dragon Ocarina (4/13/2012 16:02:17)

    Green Dragon Z Ocarina

    «Earth misc. Reduces Earth damage taken and increases CHA. Click to summon a Dragonzard guest.»

    Location: Grenwog 2012: Bun-Rangers Nitro!
    Element: Earth
    Type	Z
    Level	50
    PowLvl	70
    CostLvl	66
    Price	1200
    S <48h	1080
      >48h	300
    Activation: 0 turns
    Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases CHA by the listed amount.
  • Reduces Earth damage taken by -[Earth]%.
  • Clicking on the Ocarina summons the DragonZard which doesn't cost a turn.
    CHA	+35
    Earth	32.5
    SPCost	39
    The Green Bun-Ranger has gifted you with a copy of his ocarina as thanks! This mighty instrument will summon the DragonZard!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image courtesy of afterlifex. Description courtesy of blindfury01. Rarity thanks to 1stClassGenesis.


    April 12, 2012: The misc was released.
    April 27, 2012: The misc became rare.
    April 4, 2016: The misc was updated. See revision for older updates.
    June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	2350
    S <48h	2115
      >48h	1175

  • Balu -> RE: Green Dragon Ocarina (4/13/2012 16:03:03)

    Green Dragon Guardian Ocarina

    «Earth misc. Reduces Earth damage taken and increases CHA. Click to summon a Dragonzard guest.»

    Location: Grenwog 2012: Bun-Rangers Nitro!
    Element: Earth
    Type	G	G
    Level	95	150
    PowLvl	98	153
    CostLvl	97	152
    Price	88476	27505871
    Sell	44238	13752935
    Activation: 0 turns
    Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases CHA by the listed amount.
  • Reduces Earth damage taken by -[Earth]%.
  • Clicking on the Ocarina summons the DragonZard which doesn't cost a turn.
    CHA	+35	+40
    Earth	40	45
    SPCost	47	53
    The Green Bun-Ranger has gifted you with a copy of his ocarina as thanks! This mighty instrument will summon the DragonZard!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image courtesy of afterlifex. Description courtesy of blindfury01. Rarity thanks to 1stClassGenesis.


    April 12, 2012: The misc was released.
    April 27, 2012: The misc became rare.
    April 4, 2016: The misc was updated and the Lvl. 135 became Lvl 150. See revision for older updates.

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