This game is too Varium biased. (Full Version)

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TheRealRawr -> This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 19:25:45)

I have personally have spent a hundred, if not two-hundred, dollars on this game (I like it a lot.)
I say Varium in-general has made me win a lot more games.

An Example: Enhancements
*used to be only addable to primary and armors, which was highly more benevolent.

Changing to be purchasable through credits added a lot more balanced in between the two, but still with giant gaps in between.
Adding the ability for enhancements equippable to every weapon allows for too many free stats.

For instance:
People can go high strength whilst having high dexterity/technology/etc. (and vice-versa,) which the game to becomes extraordinarily unexciting for Non-Varium players and prejudiced towards players with Varium.

The game is way over the deep end of now being a "pay-to-win" scenario and allows for much more frustrating and in-general arbitrarily unbalanced gameplay.

Don't take this as a "I hate this game now," type scenario, it is more of a plea for balance towards the two, I want to have fun battling Non-Varium and Varium alike;
of course Varium have some sort of upper edge (they payed) but not in such a way as for us to have the ability to apprehend thoughts of things of similar nature to "There's no way I'll lose," or anything of the likes.

This game would be extravagantly more appealing and it's popularity would increase and would provide a much richer experience for inexperienced, newer players (who will then want to buy Varium to get slightly stronger)

What are your thoughts?

edwardvulture -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 19:34:14)

yep too much enhancements. I wouldn't say the power gap of varium is that big, if you count it up, varium to nonvarium stat difference without enhancements isn't very much, not much more than 15 . I'm a nonvarium and I got beat by another one that had 23 stats more than me and i already had enhancements (just a few) The problem is how fast you can get enhancements with varium and that the developers did offer too much slots, tbh I don't think the veteran nonvarium players (the ones that fully enhance their weapons) should have that huge of an advantage to those who just don't wish to enhance weapons.
Yes, overall enhancements should be reduced by half.

TheRealRawr -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 19:38:35)


That is merely an example, I am able portray and exemplify many more occasions and instances where Varium is by far, clearly outclassing Non-Varium.

Varium Armors and Weapons already have stat advantages to Non-Varium Armors and Weapons, but enhancements (and how easy it is to get with Varium,) further allow Varium to by far, surpass Non-Varium (not just by a measly 15 or so stat points, like you said, but by many,) thus a "pay-to-win" scenario.

I can understand if enhancements were easier to get for Non-Varium, perhaps, but with how this current system is flowing, the gap in-between Non-Varium and Varium is just gaining more distance from each other.

HellsCupid -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 19:47:34)

That's just like saying this world is too money based, which it is.

The world revolves around money, therefore the game makers must make money; and so... they do this.

TheRealRawr -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 19:51:20)

We all know people's initial resourcefulness is to achieve money - but in doing so it shouldn't be completely anti-fun for newer players, people who are unable to afford Varium, etc.

HellsCupid -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 19:57:55)

Game is still playable, adaptive.

Thylek Shran -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 20:05:04)


The world revolves around money, therefore the game makers must make money; and so... they do this.

Its about money because alot people worship money and money is an instrument of control.
So it all depends on in which kind of world you want to live. A world with money and other
instruments of control or a world of friendship and prosperity for all.

HellsCupid -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 20:15:40)

Point being..???

Zeoth -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 20:21:09)

His point being that you choose how to live in this world really. Live by the code most go by or go on your own.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 20:23:08)

I will whole heartily agree with you example of Enhancements I, a F2P Tech mage, currently have 8 enhancements total and I feel rich because of it, well felt I'm broke now. Now the average Varium user has between 32 and 36 enhacements(average varium weapon having 8-9 in this).

Now a great point about this game being Varium based is the Frysteland war if you were they you know if you weren't there I won't go into more detail but Legion won and apperently super war bombs will be different next war from the last I heard.

And Over the phase I have done three calculations about the gap and the last calculation I did(which was right after Heartcracker saga) I came up with 11 levels is the gap between your average Varium user and your average F2P user which is a descrease from the original number but an increase from one of my other calculations(which could have been off but it was an increase of .5 levels or 2 stat points)

ScarletReaper -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 21:01:12)

Of course it is varium biased. How else are they going to get people to buy it? Why would anyone buy it if it gave you no advantage over free players? duhhhhhhhhh. What I will say is that a good freeplayer can still compete with a varium user with the right gear and build. So I don't think it is that big a deal really.

od -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/16/2012 23:52:32)

Technically f2p's can be very good (they can theroetically get 101 stat boosts) but the problem is that it costs way too much to fully enhance by credits.

friend18 -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 0:56:42)

I decided to create a non-varium BH and he's averaging around 90% in solo battle, without NPC-ing. He's currently level 27.

ansh0 -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 1:42:11)


I decided to create a non-varium BH and he's averaging around 90% in solo battle, without NPC-ing. He's currently level 27.

Thats because BH is the BM of low levels. STR builds can pretty much annihilate anything in low Lvls.

Laces -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 1:45:44)

Obviously this game is still pay-to-win to some extent. However, you cannot just discard the recent changes the Devs have made to help free-to-play players. For example, the recent additions of level 34 non-varium weapons, the rusted assualt bot, and so on. They're working on fixing the balance but remember that they are in fact only a 4 man team.

Thylek Shran -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 4:06:00)


Thats because BH is the BM of low levels. STR builds can pretty much annihilate anything in low Lvls.

Its more a question of experience with the game and the right build.
My non var merc had a pvp win rate of 90-95% and was even able
to beat +5 lvl sometimes including str BHs. With the first varium users
appearing around lvl 27 this win rate got reduced alot.

friend18 -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 4:36:08)

Ansh0, strength BH doesn't do that well. A balanced build does well. If you go strength BH, you're sacrificing your dex and tech.
In fact, at this point, I'm beating varium users with Tesla who are at level 30/31.

Scyze -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 4:54:49)

The main reason why the game is biased when you have Varium is because the staff want money. The money comes if you make attracting items (high stats) and the need for Varium becomes too much and they buy it. (It also goes for all games.) This is economics, and you need to make money.

There are good Non-Varium weapons that just doesn't disappoint some people. The problem here is that people with Varium will get it.

MrBones -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 6:55:58)

I don't understand what is wrong with paying for this game. Nothing in life is free.

You kids pay for your PS3, XBox games. You pay for most of your phone apps. It is just fair to me we pay for this game. With all the time and money they put in the game, they [the devs] deserve it.

Servers, utility bills, salaries, hardware, software, Titan's Ferrari, gold digging girls, this all cost real money. Get out of LALA land.

ScarletReaper -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 8:20:59)

^Thank you. Like I said, who in their right mind would buy varium if it gave no advantage? And yes people, the staff needs to make money too. You think all this stuff is free? [>:]

Mr. Black OP -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 10:14:45)


You kids pay for your PS3, XBox games. You pay for most of your phone apps. It is just fair to me we pay for this game. With all the time and money they put in the game, they [the devs] deserve it.

The difference is though, when I buy an xbox 360 game, I pay $50-60 for an entire game as opposed to a couple items in a game that eventually get out dated.
Personally, I think the varium and non varium gap is fine, I have been beaten by a non varium before.

friend18 -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 12:56:54)

@MrBones - Lol at the gold digging girls comment. And true. I pay for everything and I don't have a problem with it.

Oba -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/17/2012 15:13:13)

To be honest I dont think so. There is alot of STRONG non-varium items and such. There is some really nice credit only helms to start off with. The weapons are not much weaker then the current varium items. Just look at the bunny items (New ones; auxes and guns) and the last mutating weapon which I not can remember the name of, is also really good. You also just recently got a non-varium/drop bot.

If non-varium items gets much better, why shall we pay for it? As its always said in these threads. And I agree with it, if the items gets just a little bit better I doubt I will pay $50 every other month or so. It wont be worth it...

xxomegafaustxx -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/20/2012 19:01:45)

Glad to know some are thinking along the same tangent. I exhausted my efforts trying to revive this topic and spent far too long trying to convince users and community likewise (you can view my posts regarding this issue and if you're interested, PM me and I'll provide my rebuttal regarding things stated on this thread).

However, I am still a firm believer that there are too many problems with the nonvar and var gap. To put it simply, it is a lot harder for a nonvar to fully enhance than a var who has the option of paying. Only a few (noticed I used "few" and not "many") I know actually use only credits to enhance which makes it extremely frustrating when one spends a fortune on trying to fully enhance weaponry when in future releases, better weapons come out and the effect of enhancing prior is rendered far weaker than alternatively, buying it without enhancements for a cheaper cost. I'm not surprised I still have my staff, aux and gun from last year ever since they were released. I haven't had any credits to change weaponry or enhance since most of my enhancement slots cost a ridiculous 20k+ each.

Now, this may also apply to vars but this is only because nonvars have been literally excluded from this competition. How many lvl 34 nonvars do you see 1v1ing or 2v2ing? Most of my battles are with lvl 34 fully enhanced users to which I usually lose to. I'm only 6 measly stats away from fully enhancing all my weaponry but still, I lose a majority of times because these var users have either an oped class, 23+ more stat points than me or robots negating my buffs granting them and inherent unfair competitive edge as well as the ability to supersede and overcome the curve for competition, rather than succumb to it become the OPED class which has manifested absolute varium anarchy granting them great authority and utmost flexibility in the game's platform.

The reason why varium is constantly being purchased over and over again can be explained through the theory of ecological competition conditioning. Since nonvars are slowly distanced from competing as a number fear that they will lose to var users inevitable, they decide to purchase varium. With the amount of var users increasing because of this, most battles are between var and var users and not nonvars. Battles become more varium biased fostering the need to get more varium to compete among varium users. This has indeed cultivated a elitism in terms of varium usage in the game, disowning one's experience and faithfulness (dedication to the game) as those who remain nonvar only find it harder and harder to compete in the game's platform and furthering the need to obtain varium in hopes to win.

I stated this numerous times and I feel it's just being ignored. Varium has granted too many things for a user ranging from changing to oped classes with ease, obtaining and enhancing the best and sometimes new-released weaponry in the game. These need to be toned down a little to ensure that it's fair for both users while still giving those who purchase varium an incentive to compete and not a clear-cut and easy way out (especially when us nonvars are being used as free-wins and rags to var users) - and speaking of which coincidentally, I was called a noob because I lacked a "repertoire for good builds". I've been playing this game since beta and have been faithful to my TM ever since - but I fear that this instance of lashing will only evolve and foster more hatred towards var and nonvar users. Recently, when I was in a 2v2 battle, my partner using Allied chat complained on how unfair the battle was - two nonvars vs. two fully enhanced vars and also stated that he was called a noob for no reason which had only continued to fuel his rage for what he called egotistically var users. This segregation as padded through the ecological distancing created by enhancements has not only reinforced differences among this users but emotional ethnocentrism.

Now not all users are like that, but what I'm trying to say is:

Varium or no-varium should never bred hatred but rather should promote individualism, creativity, healthy rivalry among each other.

That's my rant. You can choose to ignore it, heed it or disown it. I have plenty of arguments regarding this and a strong fiery conviction for this cause but I have grown tired and wary of repeating myself over and over again - hammering my points and analogically importing my arguments in the most sensible and easy-to-understand logical rebuttals- trying to shed new light to this rather convoluted shadowy reluctant issue of ED's situation.

If you're interested, please read my thread I started a long time ago entitled: Flowers among the thorns (Nonvariums Underpowered). Are you a flower?

And also another post I think is relevant to this discussion: The Broken Credit Earning System

Since I can't relocate some threads I inputted my opinion prior (I believed they got deleted: Gap 1.0 and Gap 2.0), I'll try my best to recollect my thoughts once more just in case you're (or whoever's reading this), is interested in.

Thanks for those who share my passion.

Shadronica -> RE: This game is too Varium biased. (4/20/2012 23:55:58)

I feel that the credit cost to enhance the non varium gear should be reduced. Currently it is a huge ask for a non varium to fully enhance one set of gear. Then by the time they have enhanced, the game makes changes to their class/builds with nerfs or buffs.
Then they basically have to spend another 6 months trying to get the credits to buy and enhance new gear.

Think about it ...

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