Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (Full Version)

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MajesticNecroShaman -> Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 2:40:23)

What are your lucky momments in this game? Please no flaming.
Mine was battling George Lowe no Frost Weapon no Boosters & extremely unprepared & beating him & Especially no varium used. I got lucky cause I blocked almost all of his cheap shots & berserk attacks.
To see proof look at achievment part of my character, I really do have tungsten fist:

StatueOfLips -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 3:10:26)

Hmm there was a lot , but there's only one that really stands out.
When i first Versed Slayer i blocked every single attack he put at me Except for his Bunker.. e.g
I reckon this is my luckiest moment :)

~ .LoveyLips.

Zeruphantom -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 3:42:52)

Probably beating Overlord Guard, I ended up with full health at the end but 0 energy. I have proof I beat him, just take a look at the Overlord's Helm on the char under my avatar [:D]

MrBones -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 7:11:29)

I had a "double stun" a couple of times.

I mean that I stun with my stun gun, then stun with a bolt rigth after. I did it too when I was a TLM/Merc. stun with gun then maul.

I guess thats pretty lucky.

gangster a -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 7:13:42)

had 1 hp and blocked strike 4 times and had rage the 4th time and won

drinde -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 7:14:07)

Being able to grab the Hazard Husk. Thrice.

Though it's nothing compared to what Jari and B9K did.

Retrosaur -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 16:42:35)

When I beat George Lowe the day before Frenzy became club only. Then I was awesome :D

nis70770 -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 17:02:59)

Mines was when i blocked comicalbiker's berzerker and then beat him. :)

liy010 -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 19:07:06)

Mine was when I was facing Wind.

He shoots, I deflect (1 HP now)
He Strikes, I block
I rage gun, I win :D


Facing Level 34 TLM with Max Reroute...21 Energy and level 6 Heal...No way I'm going to get his Energy to 27...Crit...Crap...Boom, FrostBite kicks in!

rej -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/18/2012 21:39:05)

Blocking some cheap strength abusing mercenary with 20 more dex with me 4 times in a row. This was back in early Gamma.

ansh0 -> RE: Your Luckiest Momments in this game. (4/19/2012 1:32:49)

When I was facing Digital X

He: Uses stun gun.

Yes, all that happened in just 1 turn.

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