really? (Full Version)

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dont give up -> really? (4/20/2012 14:45:34)

i smoke now he have low dex and he block. no i said ? block with low dex now kick out by admin? whats up with this come on man dam

Basicball -> RE: really? (4/20/2012 14:54:38)

the minimum block chance is 4%, that's still a 1/20 chance to be blocked.
as for the kick: did you swear at him for blocking?

dont give up -> RE: really? (4/20/2012 14:57:54)

no i said really block with low dex? then i booster then kick.
and btw u cant swear cus it will block any way right? i think.

Retrosaur -> RE: really? (4/20/2012 14:57:59)

Why can't you post coherently?



I smoked an enemy player, so now he has low dexterity. When I attacked him, he blocked my attack. So I said "How'd you block with low dex?", and was kicked out by an admin. What's up with this? How did this happen?

Also, you might want to clarify what level the player was. Was he a lower or higher level? Did he have more dex than you afterwards? Just because you smoke them doesn't mean that his dex would be lower than yours.

Now I"m not sure about getting kicked by an admin. Maybe spamming the chat filter?

Fay Beeee -> RE: really? (4/20/2012 15:04:06)

There are still a few bugs with kicking by admin. Most of which I think will be sorted in the next update.
Remember it does always say chance, so nothing is for sure. It happens to me also. But I live (or die) with it.

If you think you may have a bug, post in the bugs section with details required. :)

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