megakyle777 -> RE: (HS) The Tragic Tale of The Unknown Brothers (4/21/2012 14:03:44)
Chapter One: A Magnificent Con England, 1103 People gathered around near the edge of town when they heard the noise. It was an infernal clanking and clattering, as if a thousand knights were marching along the road to the fair city of Dungsborugh. But there was no sign of knights or indeed of any sort of armoured beings. Instead all there was was a unusual, yet utterly ruined style of horse drawn cart heading for the town itself at a extrodinarily slow pace. On this odd method of transportation was two raggedly dressed people who looked to the locals like they had never done a day's work in their whole lives. Had they thought about that a bit more they probably would not have been happy at their arrival, and indeed would have driven them out of town. But the people were always ready for a show and this looked promising, so they let them pass and set up in the center of town. The horses stopped near the middle of the town, and getting a closer look at what could only be described as a sort of small four walled cart for storing things, it seemed to bear the logo "The Unknown Brothers, Establishd." It did not look like there was a date on the cart. The two people, assumed by the crowd to be the Brothers in question, stepped off of the cart and headed for the crowd. One started talking. "Well hello there, my good ladies and gentlemen, how are you? Allow us to introduce myself. While I decline to bring a name to myself, you may call me The Salesman. My brother here, The Dealer would like to inform you of the oppotunity of a lifetime!" The man who had been identified as The Dealer began speaking. "You may wonder why we and our magnificent mode of transportation are in such a state as we are. Well, the truth be told, we had a horrific, terrifying and brutal encounter against none other then the Fairy Queen herself! But we bested her and her magics to bring you lucky people THE SECRET OF IMMORTALITY!" With that, The Dealer held up a jar full of some kind of liquid. But this was no ordinarly liquid. It was an everchanging colour, glowing from green to yellow to red to purple and all kinds of other colours that the people of Dungsbrough had not often seen. With that said, The Dealer and the Salesman told a tale of daring, bravery and cunning that went along the lines of this: the two men had got lost in the woods one day and had entered the land of Fairee utterly by accident. Captured by guards of great power they were brought before the queen herself with the intention of the brothers being made her new playthings. But the brothers, always quick on their feet, challenged her to a duel of cunning, which if they won she would give them her greatest secret: The secret of Immortality. They swore on a block of wood that the queen said was sacred to her people, and then they posed her a riddle. The queen could not solve this riddle no matter how hard she tried, for it concerned the power of caring and affection, which were beyond her kind. Eventualy she admitted defeat. But at the last she tried to pull off a trick of her own, revealing that the wood was not important and thus she had no obligation. However the brothers countered this, revealing that while she had not been looking they had thrown a vial of Holy Water over the block, and thus she was forced by holy power to adheer to their swear. However, they had not sworn that they would be given safe passage to the own realm. Knowing death was staring them in the face, they grabbed some iron from their belts and fought their way to their transport and drove as fast as they could out of there, breaking free of Fariee with Jars of Immortality. Surpisingly enough, everyone beleived this. Maybe it was the Holy Water thing, maybe they hoped it would teach the magical being a lession in humility. Probably it was the way The Dealer and The Saleman told this tale much better then anyone else could have. Anyway, they were given so much money that they had to put bags of it in the cart. People went home to try this new found miricle cure. When everyone had went, the men made their move. Off came the "damage" of the fake damaged wheels. Off came the bits of wood that would have caught on things. Off came the stock of prettly coloured mud. And the horses, well rested from the slow walk and unburdened by the once heavy load, ran off carrying the wagon, with the two brothers laughing all the way out the city at the stupidity of the common man.