Concerned about today's faction war. (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> Concerned about today's faction war. (4/24/2012 8:45:22)

This might be a little greedy of me to say but to be honest, I'm frustrated right now. At the Exile Influential Factions, The Legion Kings is currently at a surprisingly unfair advantage. Getting almost 4 flags(currently 2) with about 81k tokens leading in the barren outpost, 49k at West Naval Yard, 39k at fortune city and 52k influence at overlord facility makes me doubt how the hell people get these amount of tokens in 4 ridiculous areas. No joke, but I've never seen a faction that can get alot of tokens and can still lead there. After all, this faction was accused long ago of token hacking reaching a total of 320k tokens separated on 5 areas and this is how they were punished? Left alone? Disappointed. Banning members for 2 months do nothing as they can simply create alts and then they join and still buy varium to get token boosters. In short, the way ED players are being punished by hacking throughout the game, I give it a big:


What do you think?

Edit: And because of this, my faction might lose to another faction who has already won WD and has clearly token hacked. Seriously, why not punish them by disbanding the faction. People who varium hack, token hack or even dummy(which no longer exists) should be immediately PERMABAN.

MrBones -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 8:49:45)

Supported and I completly agree with you. Although I am sure that by naming the faction involve, you will get that thread lock.

Cheating kills the game. Cheaters should be banned for life.

King FrostLich -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 8:51:10)

I could care less if the rule says about not discussing about faction hacks but I myself feel uncomfortable with the security system. If ED wants cheating to stop from hackers then don't give them a chance.

Algorithm -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 11:19:55)

thye haxck ga emf for epicduekl i report lawmen he said for game no proof of epIcudele.

Santa ClawZz -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 11:29:29)

What he said ^ [:)]

Calogero -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 11:39:36)

It's due factions like that, that I lose interest in playing the game competitive-wise because those that play with an unfair advantage
aren't punished at all. Moderators ask for proof, while obtaining 4 flags clearly shows that something ' fishy ' is going on, that still
doesn't count whatsoever, And if something is done, it's not factionwise so the unfair advantage doesn't get solved at all.

Just because someone paid, doesn't mean he/she can do whatever he/she wants and not be permanently punished for it

Oba -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 11:59:52)

Meh whats the point in even trying to prove anything to the mods... no one listen anyways.

Battle Elf -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 15:48:51)

Seem's like you are upset about losing, not everyone can win.

You should not accuse faction's of token hacking, unless you have proof. Even then the GD is not the place to post this, sending a pm to Ashari and Cinderella would be a much better idea.

Oba -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 16:03:17)

Well I did PM Ashari and Lycus a few months ago... what did that do? Nothing..

And I for one aint upset because I dont win all the time. Ofcourse everyone cant. But everyone should have a chance to win, which is rather hard now due to cheating factions...

My Name is Jake -> RE: Concerned about today's faction war. (4/24/2012 16:23:11)

I agree with this. If you're cheating you should get permanently banned. Same with factions.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 16:23:16)

During the Live Stream, it was mentioned Faction Wars will be improved upon, so hopefully this will be an issue that can be resolved.

Lycus -> RE: Concerned about the faction war. (4/24/2012 16:27:23)

Firstly, all people who hacked Varium, were perma-banned, they were severely punished for what they did, and rightly so.

Secondly this topic, once again, if not one to discuss publicly, please forward any issues like this on to myself, The Lawman or Ashari via PM, instead of publicly discussing it.

Thirdly, I haven't been too much involved in this side of things and haven't been personally involved in investigating the Faction issues. I am now looking in to this quite a bit more, and I would like to ask anyone who has any Evidence (Screen Shots of flags, faction pages, chats where players may have admitted it) anything you feel may help - It's fine saying 'it's obvious, they just need punishing, just look', but that does not help. We can and will do something about it if we can get the evidence in SS's etc. for it. So if you have anything on any faction you know has cheated using tokens like this, please send everything straight to me as soon as possible. I will assure you it will be dealt with right away if we get enough!

Thank you,

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