Lycus -> RE: =ED= May 1st Design Notes (5/6/2012 5:51:26)
Just to clear up the whole Mod discussion, Mods are not just given anything they want, they don't get piles of advantages as you guys are making out, let me explain something: Mods work very hard over the course of each week accumulating a large amount of worked hours. They do not get paid, but instead to reward them for their hard work and to say thank you for helping, we reward them. Do they get abusable rewards? No they do not, they don't get special OP weapons, armour, or anything of the type. They get the same access to items as you, so whatever they have, you also can get. If you have exactly the same opportunities to get the same gear, then they're not getting any advantage over anyone. If you look at someone like Fay Beee, she'd be getting those items anyway, the same with some of the other Mods, it makes no change to the gear they'll have in-game, and that therefore is no advantage. Mods do not show on Fame boards nor do they show on Warkills boards, in wars they are also limited to the uses of any systems, this to me is actually more of a disadvantage, but they are willing to do that to help out this community. As NightWraith said in the quote that Cindy used, we reward the Mods fairly, and I'm sure you guys understand why. Though it may look easy, being a Moderator is incredibly hard work, and you have to put in a lot of hours! They help in keeping the game safe, fun and enjoyable for you to play, by removing as many rule breakers as possible from the game. However we have very tight restrictions on what they get for doing that, and what they are allowed to do with it. Quite honestly, with all the additional duties, and some of the restrictions; all the questions, all the reports, and the testing that each Moderator has to do, you'll more than likely see a dip in their wins overall. The other issue of 'using mod tools in battles' when not needed, this is something we strictly DO NOT allow. If any moderator ever does so, then please PM me here on the forums about it! Furthermore, since this isn't on topic, then please with-strain any further thoughts on the matter, and instead take them up with me in PM and I'll happily explain it further/discuss the matter. Another added reminder, as KoseFira said, please keep any balance discussion to the appropriate topic!