Kinzdor -> RE: (HS)Stargate Data banks (5/24/2012 22:23:24)
*beep beep* Opening file on Planet Purpaleny *beep beep* File opened Name: Purpaleny Galaxy: The Mental Galaxy Type of Planet: inhabitable semi carbon planet Status: Inhabited Types of life: Purpalions, Spikeators, Zombie werepryes, Purpaluds, P Ravens, and various wild game animals. Racial traits: Purpalions have purple skin complexion, and green glowing tentacles growing out of there head. These tentacles are the source of Purpalion`s mental powers as well as the most vital part of their body’s. A rare disorder can cause a Purpalion to have little stumps instead of tentacles; this makes them very weak and gives them no mental powers. Purpalion`s are one of the most intelligence and advanced races in the universe when it comes to robotics and technology. Spikeators have redskin, and metal spikes all over there body. They can channel electricity through there spikes. Zombie Werepryes are exactly what the name says. They eat mainly small game animals, some Spikeators and Purplelions have taken some in as pets. A P Raven looks a lot like s Earthling raven. The main difference is P ravens have minor mantel powers. Some can even speak in people`s minds. Purpaluds are short, purple, and chubby. They are a native tribe like people; they hunt and feast on ravens. They worship the zombie wereprye`s of the planet. Description: There sky is a dark purple, and the ground is made up of a purple mineral called Purple matter, there greatest natural resource, it is there main power source. They have no big oceans they do have rivers, flowing with a bright purple liquid, called Purp Pop! They have rivers flowing with a darker purple liquid as well, this liquid is called Purp Ter. Purp Ter shares certain qualities with Earth`s water, while Purp Pop is unique to this planet. The planet is covered with small mini volcano’s that spit out a purple chalky dust. This dust has no lethal side effects in fat, without the dust spat from the volcanoes the air on the planet would be unbreathable. The three main types of plant life are Purple Oak Trees, Purp Wheat, and Purp daisies! The people of this planet live off of a diet of mainly meat; they only eat fruits and veggies on special occasions because they are rare on this planet. The planet has a diamond core. History: Planet Purpleny has a long and diverse history. The King family ruled the Purpleions for many years. Until the president family took the throne. The Spikeators have a long history of conflicts and civel wars, but all has been peaceful for the past 10 years…. for the most part. Major Population points: Purple Town, Palace City, Raven town, Spike Center, and Jungle village. Stargate bases on Planet Purpleny: 2 Stargate embassies, one in the Purpluelions capital city Palace City, and one in the Spikeator capital Spike Center. Government: Federal republic battle monarchy. (People vote for senators governs, and etc. but the leader or the Emparoh is by bloodline. The Emparoh bloodline can only change if the current Emperoh is defeated in battle. ) The Spiketors are a Free Republic. Crimes committed by Purpleny government: Conspiracy among officials. Relationship with Stargate: Both of the 2 main civilized races are aligned with Stargate. This happened when the Presdin`ts took the throne. The King`s refused to align with Stargate. *Beep Beep* Closing file *Beep Beep* File closed