RE: Why buff NPC's? (Full Version)

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Battle Elf -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/7/2012 7:05:48)

I have always NPC's should be a little harder xD

.Sir Lazarus. -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/7/2012 14:57:10)

I encourage buffing npcs. Nice way to slow down npc killing mashines

MrBones -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/7/2012 22:07:08)

I like the whinning of the so called pro players who are worried they won't do as much wins per hour than they used to. What is the point of an easy game ?

Xenii -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/8/2012 0:02:30)

If your a low lvl, it almost impossible just to beat the city guards. How does that encourage people to play more?

ND Mallet -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/8/2012 0:09:51)

@errian Not all NPCs will be getting buffed I assume. It's mainly at high levels where they seriously fall behind on the ability to overcome a player's ability to freely think.

Laces -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/8/2012 1:45:55)

I agree with MrBones on this one. Get over it. They can deflect you. Oooh noo. Whatever shall we dooo! You MAY spend 1 minute more fighting an NPC. If you have a good build, you'll be fine. It's really pathetic to see people react this way.

Ranloth -> RE: Why buff NPC's? (5/8/2012 2:03:14)

Funny thing is, deflecting is also a bug. They shouldn't be deflection you, or apparently Rabble said so.

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