(DF) Paladin Order (Full Version)

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Imaru -> (DF) Paladin Order (5/5/2012 21:11:28)

Description of the keep taken from a diary of a paladin.
As I approached keep, it loomed above its surroundings. The walls surrounding the keep were well above 30 feet high, made from solide stone, and looked welcoming. The gate made from solid steel, remained open, as it always did, except for cases of attack. As I passed through the walls, once again, I marveld at the large courtyard, where paladins of all ages were training, Where Mages in the school of light were teaching skills to them, where fellow paladins were teaching weapons combat, where priest where teaching how to heal the injured. And in the center of the courtyard rose the Tower itself. Old as the Guardian towers that dotted lore, but looking as marvelous as the day it was built. The tower rose more than 50 feet before the second stage, the barracks, began and rose another 30 feet from there. Above the barracks was the beacon of light, a pillar of flame rising high to the air, as if it was challenging the darkness to try and put out it out. Next to the main tower 3 smaller towers also rose, only half the height, but just as beautiful. These towers were where the three schools where held, Light Magic, Healing, and Combat. As I walked through the halls of the tower memories came flooding back from when I was a young boy. I remember the mess hall on the 5th floor, and getting into trouble sneaking food from it. I remember the Library on the 4th floor, and sneaking into it in the middle of the night to read by candle light. I remember the many trips to the medic on the 3rd floor when I was injured during training. And the Ceremony hall on the 2nd floor where they would induct you into the next level of training, and would give you your new title.
The rest of the page has been torn….

Found within the crypt of the liche.

We came to the crypt to kill the darkness that resided within.... but what we found was much much worse. We are trained to fear nothing, To fight against the darkness with our last breath.... but this... this was more. We entered the crypt and were immediatly attacked by a large number of ghosts as well as undead. It was Asander, a Luminecence ranked paladin, My friend Ra' Mael, a fellow sunlight, and a bout a dozen more Sunshafts. We easilly dispatched the undead and moved through the maze of passages and doors untill we saw him. A real liche, who unlike anything I've fought before, was undead himself. He summoned a few undead and we dispatched them as well, and then something horrible happened. He killed Ra' Mael, and then resurected him on the spot. We didnt know untill it was too late. Another paladin fell, was resurected and it continued. Asander fell back and performed a sealing spell, closing in all life, Living and undead alike, within the crypt, making it a tomb. I fled, and hid, knowing that if i didnt i would turn out like them.... like my fellow brothers..... like my friend.... Ive been in the crypt for three days now.... and my candle is almost out. Not that it matters.... I can hear the undead closing in.... and these will be my last words.
The diary entry ends and theres blood on the page

Found on a trail in Doomwood, the diary is ruined, but a page is still visable.
We've been walking for days... hardly rested, and still we march on. Tonight is the first night we have set up camp, and every one is alert. The glows are anxious, this will be the first time they've faced an undead outside of the Orders walls. Reminds me of my first time. It was a day, not unlike today, where everything seemed to be staring at me. We approached the cemetary, the glows in the front, and the Luminecence in the rear. We were told to go in two at a time. And the Luminecence would only help if we needed it. Me and my partner, a beautiful woman from the sandsea, marched in after 3 pairs came back. A few skeletons and a bone fire came to confront us and we easily dispatched them. But then, something unexpected happened. A necromancer emerged from the shadows and shot a blast of pure darkness at me. Caught off guard i couldn't react in time, and that's when she jumped in front of me and took the blast in full. Enraged, thinking that she was dead i focoused all of my energy into my right hand, visualized a spear of pure light forming where my weapon was and then threw it. This time, the Necromancer was caught off guard, and the spear ripped through him and returned in my hand becoming a sword once more. the Luminecene entered and told me to heal my partner. He than proceded to circle the cemetary looking for anymore unnexpected threats.I instantly turned to my partner, her helmet was off, and my breath stopped. She was beautiful. more so than i had noticed before. I performed the neccessary healing magics, and she returned to stable health, and we moved out of the cemetary. If it wasn't for her i would be dead, and if it wasn't for that necromancer, i wouldn't be married to her now.
The rest of the entry is unreadable

Rank Structure:
New Light- A new student in the form of healing, combat, and light magic.
Glow- A second year student in the arts of Healing, combat, and light magic.
Sunlight- A third year student in the arts of healing, combat, and light magic.
Sunshaft- A student in advanced classes in the arts of healing, combat, and light magic.
Aura- A Student who has graduated from the school of the paladin order, and continues to train and hone his/her skills in the arts of healing, combat, and light magic.
Luminecence- A master in the arts of healing, combat, and light Magic. Travels Lore looking to help those who are being preyed on by the evil and unjust.
Lamps- The light mages that train students in the art of Light Magic.
Blades- The Paladin Teachers that train students in the art of Combat.
Bandages- The Priests that train students in the art of healing.
Solarstorm- The Title given to the leader of the Paladin order. There is only one Solarstorm at a time.
Loremaster- Resides in the library and keeps track of events and lore.
Record Keeper- Keeps track of all supplies and equipment. Stationed in the cellar where the equipment is stored.

Removed signature, not allowed in the Archive -Shadow Ravena

Imaru -> RE: (DF) Paladin Order (5/6/2012 22:04:15)

Here is the link to the discussion thread for this story/ collab of stories. Let me know what yall think and how it could improve.


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