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sylar67 -> :( (5/7/2012 9:01:31)

Seriously guys what happened :S where's the competition ? where did all the fun go ??? ......
only 1 faction is playing and ???
Fame made Oz a spamming place
Warkills made domination pay to win (unless lucky)
Wars are pay to win ...
and then what ? sold the fun to money :(

unQualified -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:02:14)

LOL CAD, look at solo 1v1, first 5 people are all from cad xD

stryker914 -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:20:04)

Don't know. Once they mainstreamed the forums, it got less and less fun for me. Diluted with the horrible community from the AEF.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:31:59)

Who would of thought CAD would be the demise of ED? Seriously factions that are that this intense ruin the game for new and old factions. Its a shame VIX and his band of cronies do this since there are many who enjoy this game. If you look at the daily 1v1 daily board and you take out one person from any combination the top 5 and they would be able to win the daily FACTION solo by themselves.

Khannibal -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:37:16)

I disagree Stryker, I just feel as though when the forums merged a lot of old, tactical players left the game, which is true.
I wish the forums had been allowed to stay open so we could all read our old posts, I much preffered the layout despite being with AE longer than EE.

I do agree with the OP however, factions are dead, there's one, maybe two for each game mode, but the rest are very much dead, there's little fun or drive to carry on getting hundreds of monotomous battles against skilleless bandwagoning players, and there aren't enough role-models for new players to make their own builds around, it seems virtually everyones using the mainstream abuse builds in an attempt to be the "Best" players they can, and for what? An Acheivment? The caps been level 34 forever too it seems like i'm running round in circles here with no answers.

I've been on these forums for a good 6 years, I've been with AE's games since 03 and i've always given my unbiased input, now that i'm grown up I feel my advice can be given in a productive way to better influence the game, but it's never taken onboard, never responded to and it feels like fixes are far too few and definately too far between.

Bring some massive buff to certain things, along with a new 10k varium pack item and everyone would gladly buy it, keep whipping out weapon packs with no change to the game and you're going to lose money, nobody cares anymore. I still use frostbane, a level 25 armour, a 32 Zooka and a 32 gun in some of my builds and have no problems countering the unexperienced, or abusers, so I feel there's no need to pour more money into a game that's hardly improving.

I really, really wish the staff would interact with players more, I used to talk to Titan and NightWraith a fair bit, more often NW through PM's, and he got back to me, i appreciated that, and felt included in the game. I've not heard anything off Titan since the old forum closed, that's not an exaggeration, it's been two years. Busyness and business aside some co-operation with those who help run your game is required, you wouldn't see a company ignoring it's shareholders getting far. And I don't think the use of things like Twitter constitutes it, I haven't used my twitter yet I haven't had time to set it up, but i'm checking the forums and seeing discussion about updates that just haven't been posted here.

Does anyone know where I can find out the last update, or what it was?

VIX -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:39:38)

@Smackie El Frog : when DSX does it, theres no problem. but when CAD does it, theres a problem? and we ruin the game?

SouL Prisoner -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:47:57)

LOL, breAKING NEWZ,... VIX deletes CAD once again :P

Smackie El Frog -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:49:54)

After Khannibals post VIX is there really a need for further explanation??

DSX hasn't done it in over a year so you just bring them up to pass the buck along? Shame on you vixy. That's no way for legend of ED to act tsk tsk. But seriously do you need breakdown of how CAD's runing ED for everyone since your eyes are seared shut after battling for 1v1 solo factions basically against yourselves.?

Khannibal -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:50:34)

@ Smackie and VIX

The pair of you are kings amongst men, no trolling a topic aimed at improving the game, I like and respect you both enough to know that pointless complaining won't get you anywhere.

Besides, VIX's clan's have always been in the most competitive section of the game, him playing to wins like complaining that a swimmer isn't drowning.
The problem is there aren't enough active players to challenge big factions, whereas there were loads in Beta.
I'm tempted to start one but I won't until I find at least 7 solid committed players I can Skype etc. with, and who I can rely on.

It's not CAD's fault the game's a bit boring, it's the lack of proper players, faction usage and drive, that's all there is to it.

VIX -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:56:06)

Thank you Kannibal for explaining to some people who need to know and open their eyes, instant of saying things smart , i will never be shame of my self i'm proud of my self and i know my self i've never done anything wrong in-game to be shame, i worked hard and earned what i deserve , if u can't be like me or atleast if u can't have a faction like Cad so better learn :) , if ur not interetsing so its ur problem.

Thanks for your sweet posts smackie but tbh i don't really care about what u say about me or my faction cuz i'm proud of my self and about what i'm doing , all what i'm doing is legit. so stop attacking us for silly reasons.


sylar67 -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 9:59:17)

@khannibal : this lack is due to the humiliation of the devs ... all the good players quitted and i'm one of those who used to do 400 wins with a 92+% a day but ...

Smackie El Frog -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:06:31)

There must be something wrong with your senses VIX because my posts should leave a sour taste in your mouth. However, I would love to reply to what you just posted, but it's not very coherent. Maybe midnight santa can jump in and try decipher that last garbled post for me.

How can you claim what you've done is LEGIT when you have been banned before!?!? I myself have never been banned because I do not break ANY rules EVER.

I think I'm gonna to refer to you as Ex-convict VIX from now on :)

SouL Prisoner -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:08:30)


Maybe midnight santa can jump and is decipher that last garbled post for me.

His finally ban xD

King FrostLich -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:11:21)

Yes VIX it's legit but can't you consider the other factions trying to win the daily faction solo as well as world domination achievement on other exile factions? Seriously, you've done enough, actually way enough accomplishments for the faction. Can't you at least take a break or better yet spend time with your faction mates?

VIX -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:12:20)

@smackie , I was banned b4 2 years ago that was old.and i think i got my punishment and i returned to ED legitly.so what ur saying is totally silly for me .
i'm not going to comment anymore about what ur going to post , i'm out of this thread completly , have fun posting i don't wanna be banned cuz of you. insult how u like and have fun as much as u want. nothing going to bother me .if u have any problems with what we are doing, then do better. until then, dont bash us for doing something u cant do.


There must be something wrong with your senses VIX because my posts should leave a sour taste in your mouth.

We do let others win, thats why after we reached 85 dailies we changed our daily syetm to only on weekends as opposed to the old system where we would go for daily every day.
this was mainly because alot of players complained that we dont let others win


sylar67 -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:12:51)

Guys please , its a not a thread to discuss Vix , even if he braked rules or not everyone does mistakes .
But the reason of this topic was to find out why all the good players are gone and to show the devs that were not happy with that ...

Mr. Black OP -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:17:06)

Increase faction competition:
Allow non variums to make factions, decrease the size of factions by 4 members and 1 officer, increase the tax on flags, apply a smaller tax on the 2nd and 3rd place, WD for the top faction on each side, allow us to talk about forums on the GD (or an area on the ED forums), remove enhancements or make them free, this will allow people to be fully enhanced at low levels so now there could be good factions consisting of level 28-31s.

Basically this will allow non level cap factions, more factions, make it easier to claim flags but harder to hold them, a more balanced WD system, less people per faction (so more factions), and factions will a play a larger role on the forum. Its simple really.

King FrostLich -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:18:59)

The best way to do that is make war points increase influence for a faction during wars to make every faction active. Second, the top 8 factions that won the war should receive world domination, not the no.1 from the top 8.

RageSoul -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:20:04)

I think it's because everything is becoming .... too power-based / less-stragetical / spam - this - spam - that or the fun stuff are too Varium-biased , like the Frysteland War , where it was recorded in the ( totally made-up by me ) History Book of World History of ED as the "Most Varium spent in One Event" , or because everything that the Devs made still have considerations that weren't noticed .

BOW -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:24:24)

your right, i wrote on the facebook that we want competetion in front CAD and many faction and they didnt reply to me so ?
if you want really a competetion im B O W from the MEganet so reply for me here

sylar67 -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:28:05)


im B O W from the MEganet so reply for me here

Ayre bmin ? :P

JariTheMighty -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:28:35)

VIX you don't have to let others win. Everyone playing whenever they want how much they want is what's fair.

Let others win? That's not how competition works.

Santa ClawZz -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:30:10)

One vs one is being destroyed to many reasons like no more super OP classes, some certain factions making it a bad experience for everyone, etc. You see people quitting daily and not the same amount of newbies joining the game daily. Either that, or they quit too soon.

Juggernaut is being destroyed. I see the Juggernaut all time % dropping daily and yesterday I noticed something strange. It was about 6 hours until reset and the last person in Daily leaderboard had 15 wins. During other, less unfortunate time periods, it would have been 50 or more.

They keep dissapointing the experienced/pro players in order to please newbies.

War Kills are fading away. You see players claiming Warlord achievement with 3000 war kills now. It used to be around 15,000+ to get it.

Khannibal -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:30:25)


Here here!
The players left due to a lack of acknowledgement of player requests, lack of things to do, so on and so forth.
Problem is I don't think there's much that can be added to a player v player game to make it much more interesting, it is what it is, all we can hope for is improvments to the battle system.

Again, many players were banned back then for multiple players, including a good few members of the older good factions, TSAAS included. There will always be people who have a vendetta against them, and that's their decision, but remember a lot of those players were our role models, friends, and people we communicated with.

What do you lot think could improve the game? I've backed this multiple times but I feel support needs a buff :]

EDIT: Again, not a place to slate players, that was the old ED forums place ;D And it was great. But as much as I respect Frostlich, the posters are right, VIX shouldn't stop winning just to let other players have a chance. If they want it that badly, and i mean really badly, they'll get up at 7am GMT, smash it till 7am GMT the next day and have the longest lie in and sugar rush their 14 year old bodies can handle, that's their descision too :]

I think the only way you lot will stop seeing an issue with the current top faction is to make your own faction collectively. I see a lot of active players these days in faction where the officers and leaders have long since retired, 40-200 days + inactivity, factions like Renegade Masters etc. when they could thrive in a new faction with like minded players. I understand loyalty to their old factions, and the high win counter they don't want gone, but take a picture, add it to Wind's post and you will be remembered.

As Shaniqua said, "Evolve or die" everyone can beat around the bush about how CAD, Meganet etc. dominate 1v1, but until someone does something about it, that's going to be something you'll have to bite the bullet about and accept.

Factions in beta like SavageKillers were based on how active, and tactically baed a player was, I saw too many level 30's tanked up with varium get booted for a similar player who was committed, and in turn that made people WANT to join, WANT to compete and WANT to win. There's no point being in the best faction if frankly you're not on their level, and this is why top rank factions are top.

BOW -> RE: :( (5/7/2012 10:30:37)

@smackie : Stop attacking VIX , and don't bring old things , i believe everyone is proud of VIX except the Whole TEC faction , so 1 faction who doesn't like VIX i believe it's not going to bother vix . VIX deserve what he earned.

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