Are they back? (Full Version)

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charwelly -> Are they back? (5/8/2012 5:02:13)

Are the bounty hunters back or is it just me
because when I left tac mercs were the class to be but now
it seems to me that everyones a bounty hunter.

RageSoul -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 5:04:38)

Not exactly . Some people switched to that class for fast and less-luck reliant wins .

charwelly -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 5:10:35)

but it just seems because they are all over LB

RageSoul -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 5:19:46)

Like i said , because of wins . How do you think Fay and Comical got so many wins?

charwelly -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 5:36:05)

Good builds.

MrBones -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 6:58:00)

Good builts ?

There is only one built for Bounty Hunters right now. Strength with level 5 massacre. Every single Bounty have it. That built never got UP. That built has been reliable for over 2 years.

The old smoke, strike, strike, massacre.

Jekyll -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 8:23:29)

They were always here, just that we hardly took notice of them given how OP different classes were.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 8:24:20)

Yup. That will be the next class everyone says is overpowered after they nerf cyberhunters.

DestruRaGe -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 8:37:54)

Many of those who were BMs switched to BHs after nerf.

Darkwing -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 10:21:40)

strength BH is same as stregth BM. damage all the way, fast rage and heal evry attack. Bloodlust is the worst passive skill ever, it makes stregth build op, because all they have to worry about is....damage

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 10:47:58)

1v1 is full of them. im levelling a 29 BM and all I tend to fight are 34 BH and CH with almost identical builds. ofc I get massacred in every one.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 11:00:15)

I have always been a BH. Through all the good times and bad. But then I do not mind losing a few. lol
BH is more versatile than some imagine. Only fairly recently have I had 5 mass. I usually try to do a build that will help me a little against ALL classes. So you could call us BH, stayers, plodders and anything else that is not a bad name)

The game is about having fun. That is what I try and do whether winning or losing. Losing is a time to learn.

This is my personal opinion only.

Have fun all.:)

Stabilis -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 11:16:46)

I am reasonably OK fighting a Bounty Hunter, but since I use BioBorg in my build I pretty much QQ if they have an Azrael Borg which makes the situation so unfair.

Yeah, after a Heart Attack they can regenerate health again with Bloodlust.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 11:22:06)

Smoke Screen is arguably the most influential first turn skill and can win so many matches cause their opponent just cannot keep up.
add that to the fact they play the same from 1-34 so any kid can monotonously do the same thing every match and win a high %.

friend18 -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 11:30:21)

It's more that the Azrael Borg really helps the build. I can beat them, but if they have enough energy for a second smoke, I usually end up losing.

charwelly -> RE: Are they back? (5/8/2012 16:44:24)

MrBones I disagree with that there are still many builds out there just yesterday I had a good high dex build that worked very well in 1v1 and 2v2

RageSoul -> RE: Are they back? (5/9/2012 6:55:40)

Here's the question : how often do you deal 30+/turn ? I mean he's ( Mr . Bones/DBag ) saying STR gives anyone instant Daily Cheevo when used properly along with hard work . Not saying your noob , but STR happens to be , hands down , the most effective stat BH can spam due to their BL relying on high damage .

charwelly -> RE: Are they back? (5/9/2012 16:24:58)

Lord I know he is not calling me a noob

LadyHeartbreak -> RE: Are they back? (5/9/2012 19:14:27)

Str BH was never gone or UP. I was using and pwning with that build while everybody was still BM. It was and still very effective against str BMs and not to mention fast and high win%. But I don't find it as good anymore cause now there's a lot of them out there and if ur a str BH versing a str BH its usually the one who goes first wins.
But its definitely still one of the best and fastest builds out there.

Pranz -> RE: Are they back? (5/9/2012 19:39:14)

I do agree that str bh is much more common, but it isnt the only option. 5 Focus BH are actually rly fun and quite reliable, as i am using one myself.

midnight santa -> RE: Are they back? (5/9/2012 23:06:10)

yes i am back now. I am be good so no more ban for me ok cindee.
On topic, class hoping is natural human behavior. All wana be best class to win.
Strenth BH is easy to use, fast, and very high %. You jus need rite weapons and copy build. Lol...

Ez_Ease -> RE: Are they back? (5/9/2012 23:37:28)

@ midnight santa - your statement is not true, class hoping is not a natural human behavoir
and I do not change to what is presumed to be the best class to win. I have fought some of
all the classes and beaten them. The one build that use to give me major problems were
strength builds. The more I fought them the better I became a beating them because no
matter what the build is they all have a weakness. Just have to learn them then exploit
Just in case you respond with everyone wants to win, maybe but this is a game I like
to play but it is just that a game. It has no real significgance as to the meaning of life.

RageSoul -> RE: Are they back? (5/10/2012 0:02:10)

Um , who's calling you a noob? Well i'm certainly not calling ya , and also i'm not flamming or harassing or something .

midnight santa -> RE: Are they back? (5/10/2012 7:24:11)

well der is some exeptions. Like u, and me...we dont jump to best class because
we are true pros. We want to win but we r gona win fair and squares.
but me, i dont even like wining, i just want good fight. I am even hapy wen
smart strategy win me, dats just how i am.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Are they back? (5/10/2012 7:37:41)


I am even hapy wen smart strategy win me, dats just how i am.
you must be very happy indeed :)

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