Outrageous (Full Version)

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Santa ClawZz -> Outrageous (5/8/2012 16:33:08)

I noticed today some very interesting, yet disturbing facts. Take in consideration I've never discussed balance in forums, but this is non-sense.

I was doing 2vs2 on my alt account, a strength based TLM and I kept getting this non-varium CH opponent who had around 130 dexterity (35-42 defense). He blocked me a lot even though I had pretty decent dexterity. So I thought I'd give dexterity CH a try on my MAIN. I put together a build with 161 dexterity and the results of 1vs1/2vs2 were very disappointing. Not only did I not get any blocks as expected, but I kept getting my rage Static Charge blocked from newbies with little to no dexterity. Then I lowered to 141 dexterity thinking probably less is better? But no sir.....I was wrong AGAIN! An example would be 141 vs 96 dexterity on my rage strike shot. Guess what. BLOCK!

After that I lowered it again to 121, maybe I would get lucky this time? NO! I was wrong, yet AGAIN! A Bounty Hunter with 91 dexterity blocked 3 strikes in a row and killed me with full HP. Humiliation... [:(]

I put this story together for funsies, but yeah. Fix the blocks. They are out of control.

comicalbike -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 16:37:12)

yes i agree out of control now i used to help people beat hazzard but waist of time now and admin 11 impossable

Reki -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 16:44:22)

Yeah anything above 101 dex seems to not block anymore, I have 111 and get blocked tons by ppl with decently less and I never block. Similar situation with crits and deflects it seems to....imo.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 19:46:35)

Yeah, I tend to find it's always at the worst times I get blocked. Like I'll land 3 strikes in a row, but my rage frenzy or static charge gets blocked.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 19:54:19)

For some bizarre reason the devs think that a person with 100 less dexterity still deserves a chance to block.

Stabilis -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 20:14:10)

And yet they can block and deflect with a Technology advantage, which is why I switched to Technology instead of Dexterity.

Joe10112 -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 20:15:44)

It's funny. I got blocked so many times when I had 50+ dex...in the last few battles. Yeah. Sure that guy had 3 shadow arts, but relying only on that? Almost impossible.

But as we know, it's all about "Bad RNG" luck.

Quasidig -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 20:55:01)

Hopefully to quell this mass rage against blocking, I too have a cyber with a decent amount of dexterity (125). Personally I have found blocks to be perfectly fair and that they do in fact conform to the rules of the game. Sure occasionally I'll get blocked once or twice, or a very rarely three blocks in a row, but that is because this game is based on a % chance for many things. So let me refresh people on the rules I am talking about...

(the following I found somewhere, correct me if it has changed)
To refresh: blocking has a default chance to happen 10% of the time. This means if you are fighting someone with equal dex you will get blocked 1 in ten times. So lets say for the sake of argument you have 70 dex and your opponent has 30 dex. This 40 point difference = 10% extra chance for you to hit (40÷4 = 10). BUT the minimum hit rate is 4%! so even if you have WAY more dex your opponent still blocks you 1 in 25 times ON AVERAGE, see the next part if you are still mad [:D].

For those of you complaining about being blocked 2 or 3 times in a row even with much higher dex than your opponent, you might say you are justified since 3 out of 3 hits blocked is no 1 in 25. Let me offer you this: try flipping a penny 100 times, you will notice that occasionally it will land on one side 5 or maybe 6 times in a row, or it wont but flip it enough and it will. This is the point of chance, if you flip the coin enough times it will land on heads 5 times in a row. (I bet you a million hugs).

If you would like to respond to my post directly PM me if you want or post here, but I can offer a much longer explanation if you want.

Hopefully that was coherent enough for people...

rej -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 20:57:47)

Yes, the current block system is ridiculous. A player with 30 dexterity has quite a large chance to block a player with as much as 150 dexterity.
Any dex difference of over 80 should yield the result of the lower dex player having a 0% block chance against the higher player.

Quasidig -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 21:09:24)

As I just said players that have 40+ more dexterity than the person they are striking only have a 4% chance to be blocked. In my opinion this is not

quite a large chance to block
, its is in fact pretty small.

Zeoth -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 21:14:47)

But it seems to occur more often than the 40. I'm not even joking. That 40% doesn't happen often.

King Helios -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 21:27:47)

About your last example, first post, wwhen you had 30+ Dexterity. His block chance would be 4%. Here are the chances of him blocking 3/3 strikes.

4/100 * 4/100 * 4/100 = 64/1,000,000.

That converts to a chance of .0064%

ND Mallet -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 21:47:53)

It's called "Luck." Not "I have an advantage over you due to either higher level or varium gear and expect you be to bug juice under my foot."

Quasidig -> RE: Outrageous (5/8/2012 22:49:24)


About your last example, first post, wwhen you had 30+ Dexterity. His block chance would be 4%. Here are the chances of him blocking 3/3 strikes.

4/100 * 4/100 * 4/100 = 64/1,000,000.

That converts to a chance of .64%

Excellent, there it is folks, in fewer then 200 battles you will probably get three blocks in a row (and this is assuming all your opponents have 40 less dex and level zero shadow arts).

King FrostLich -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 2:07:35)

It's not only block that's the problem, it's defense itself. Having 91 - 101 dexterity or 27-33 and 29 - 35 defense respectively is not enough to compensate the damage against players. Look at the builds nowadays, we see high damage hitting players that even so much dexterity does not give enough defense to get rid of the damage dealt. I say defense needs a buff, not dexterity itself. I find myself blocking sometimes as well but I've never been blocked when I strike except to tank cyber hunters.

Zeoth -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 3:12:36)

I say strength just needs a rather justifiable nerf. I guess defense could use a dam good buff as well. Having defenses in the 40s can really mean nothing these days. And ND were not exactly that our level and equipment should give us easy stomp em wins. People are just saying that 4% seems to occur way to often. Could just be the fact human beings remember the bad moments more than the good ones

I feel your hating on ALL CHs which I find rather offensive. Not everybody here were class hoppers. I myself changed a month or 2 before the buff just because people said it was UP. Not EVERYBODY here is a Dex Tanking CH. people here could easily be high dex TLMs or TMs or BHs, who knows. Please just stop attacking the class really. There's no point.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 3:36:00)

@Frogbones: the staff have already stated that Cyber Hunters perform as well in 1v1 as Bounty Hunters, Tech Mages and Tactical Mercs.
Blood Mages [with Berzerker] were overperforming and Mercs underperforming. so they said CH not going to be changed at all now.

I am seeing a lot less BM in 1v1 though, and lots more CH again so hopefully the increase in class changing back to CH will reflect in
their win rate on the balance tracker, and the staff will then make a change, like removing EMP or Plasma Armour.

my only fear is because so many of the class changers are terrible players they will actually negatively impact CH win rates and give a
false impression. they are the no1 class and EMP tank build can beat all other builds. CH control every fight, any top CH deny that really?

King FrostLich -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 5:14:56)

To make this game balanced, just make field medic turn back to improving into support and should stop progressing at 88 support. Problem solved.

drinde -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 5:25:50)

In fact, all skills should stop progressing at one point or the other... no?

King FrostLich -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 5:38:37)

Off topic: Mirion get your filthy clean face up here. We're 1st place.

On topic: News flash: My partner who was a merc, level 31 with only 70 dex blocks 4 times against a cyber hunter with 141 dexterity and another cyber with 86 dexterity. How lucky was that? I won with him and got a broken weapon too.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 6:24:40)

you have not had the worst luck in the game yet guys. i was challenged by a certain player and in this battle, EVERY SINGLE TIME
i used a block able attack, HE BLOCKED IT. no joke.

now tell me that blocks are the same as they have always been.

Khannibal -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 6:46:11)

I agree with this topic actually, I'm using a tank TM build with 93-99 dexterity, and in a two v two yesterday I was blocked by a mage with 18 defence, a blood mage with 62 dex and a merc with 47 dex, within two battles, it's happened quite a lot to be honest, obviously I try to keep my rage for unblockables but it's got to the point where i'm not using my bot in my +5 build due to how often i'm blocked.

MrBones -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 6:56:24)


It's called "Luck." Not "I have an advantage over you due to either higher level or varium gear and expect you be to bug juice under my foot."

If you have over 100 points in dex against an opponent how is he supposed to block ? If a player choose to spamm one stat, resulting of him having minimum points in the others stats he should see consequences for that choice:
Meaning more blocks, deflects , crits against him.

You spam strenght for example. You have minimum support. You should never start the fight. Your gun should get deflected alot.

Right now, no matter where you put your points, it seem blocks, deflecs etc.. are just random. This of course is helping the young audience who doesnt understand the mechanics of the game but wants to win. Remember that this game is intended for kids. How the game is behaving right now shows it clearly.

RageSoul -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 7:10:54)

Well there were people ( including me ofc ) who are ( were? ) still against the 4% Minimum Block Chance , yet it was ignored . The reason? STR BH . "Because STR builds with low DEX block often yet me has lotsa DEX and they has no SA and they spam lotsa lotsa STR yet i no score block but if me not use STR build , yet me has high DEX plus a few points on SA , still me no has block".

Okay , how is it STR BH the main reason? Mass? Strikes ? Cheap Shot? BL? Well , one EMP from a Focus BH/CH can definitely crush our builds , while them free to Bot , Aux , Gun , Heal/Strike , Bot and so on . If we had a different passive , then STR wouldn't be that OP , plus about the change on STR Skills ... i kinda find them bad though , because no matter how much DEF i put , they'll never deal below 30+ . Oh BTW , the minimum block chance affects everybody , so yes , even Caster TMs .

Stabilis -> RE: Outrageous (5/9/2012 7:57:32)


While some of you are jumping to overused classes I will be jumping to underused classes,

Hipster for the win!

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