Bots (Full Version)

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My Goldfish Died -> Bots (5/9/2012 15:47:35)

If possible, have a mod look at this.
Now lets look at the trend ever since assault bot and gamma, every robot has been physical! How are classes going to do 5 focus with only physical bots?
Here's the trend.
1. Gamma bot, i know its energy too, but its still a physical bot
2. Baby Yeti, a physical, at first i'm like ok fine, next should be energy.
3. Azrael Borg, Another physical robot, ok cool, Next should definitely be energy
4. Rusted Assasult Bot, Ok its non-var, who cares
5. Bio Borg, You have got to be kidding me
6. This new bot for the new saga. Looking at it its probably gonna be physical, which is why i am begging for it to be energy.
Most people missed the opportunity for Gamma and Assault doesn't do a lot of damage.
So why not make it energy.

This is not a suggestion, well kinda is, but it's fine if my opinion doesn't go through.
I would like your opinions on this situation.
Would you like an energy robot?

DestruRaGe -> RE: Bots (5/9/2012 15:49:50)

Youre right about it. Too many physical bots! If possible yea make this new one energy!

Stabilis -> RE: Bots (5/9/2012 15:55:19)

Energy would be fine, the theme is fire but fire is also a way of obtaining thermal energy so that counts. I also wondered a while ago if energy bots would be added.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Bots (5/9/2012 18:22:32)

That's why i always prefer Gamma Bot contains the bot energy and physical [:D]

rej -> RE: Bots (5/9/2012 19:38:12)

I agree. Having all but two of the bots being incapable of dealing decent energy damage is a fairly large setback to Tech Mages and Cyber Hunters. Of course, both of those classes seem to be doing fine without energy bots, but that is beside the point.
Hopefully, after this bot is over and done with, a powerful bot with an energy attack will be released.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Bots (5/9/2012 21:23:27)

no matter how many bots they make, assault bot/ rusted assault bot will always be the most useful.

Joe10112 -> RE: Bots (5/9/2012 21:25:13)

@^: This new bot might be lethal. Use it first turn, maybe Smokescreen/Malfunction gets taken away...for the whole battle.

I don't know, I hope it's Energy, and I hope it costs 395 Var and Credits to buy. That way I can get it :D

My Goldfish Died -> RE: Bots (5/9/2012 21:58:26)

Thanks for everyone's opinion :D
I'm surprised that so many people agree with me :D

Killer666 -> RE: Bots (5/9/2012 22:18:44)

They must have figured this. They are smart. There is a reason they havnt made energy ones

charwelly -> RE: Bots (5/10/2012 6:33:08)

You are totillay right

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