Retraining Discussion (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel General Discussion


LatinLover/Martini -> Retraining Discussion (5/12/2012 19:52:31)

So we all know what retraining is and how it costs 500 credits. So this discussion topic is about retraining in a day. How many times have you retrained in just one day?

Lord Machaar -> RE: Retraining Discussion (5/12/2012 19:59:55)

Well, this post (i think) belongs to Here, But anyways, sometimes i can retrain for over 10 times a day so i can find the right build, especially for Juggs...

ScarletReaper -> RE: Retraining Discussion (5/12/2012 19:59:57)

Shoot, back when I was a noob in beta I think I retrained like 50 times in 1 day. That character became useless.

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