Razen -> Flourishing Oleander Cape (5/13/2012 16:45:46)
[image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/Rare.jpg[/image] Flourishing Oleander Cape A beautiful cape for Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! (No DA Required) Location: Mother's Day 2012, Mother's Day (Shop) Price: 0 Gold Sellback: 0 Gold Level: 62 Element: Light Bonuses: Crit +6, Magic Def +4, Pierce Def +4, Melee Def +4, WIS +7, CHA +7, INT +4, DEX +4, STR +4, Bonus +5 Resists: Light +8, Nature +8, Immobility +2 Rarity: 10 Item Type: Cape Equip Spot: Back Category: Armor Other information Cape's description previously specified Happy Mother's Day 2012!; this was removed alongside its 2015 re-release. [image]https://github.com/DF-Pedia/DF-Pedia/raw/master/accessories/OleanderCape.png[/image] Also See: Budding Oleander Cape, Opening Oleander Cape, Blooming Oleander Cape, Blossoming Oleander Cape, Flowering Oleander Cape, Fragrant Oleander Cape Thanks to Jay for image, other information, and corrections.