RE: HP/EP Enhancements (Full Version)

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ND Mallet -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/14/2012 13:29:07)

@gold I had 4 focus, 125 health, 60 energy and enough strength to get 21 base damage as a BM. I believe I managed to get health, energy and offense pretty high all at once. It's not impossible to do it. What you're asking is a way for everyone to spam more stats while getting even more health. Do you want to fight a Str build with 170+ health and over 20 damage from just strength alone?

Stabilis -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/14/2012 14:30:42)



Do you want to fight a Str build with 170+ health and over 20 damage from just strength alone?

Please give a stat layout and skill tree, then someone can determine the problem.

rej -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/14/2012 18:30:31)

Supported. HP/EP stats are just as important as the other four stats in the game.

ND Mallet -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/14/2012 18:30:44)

174 health(30 stats, 34 enhancements)
44 energy
22+71=93 strength
19+17=36 dex
21+14=35 tech
18 support

Spectral Reaper
Dark Star
Lagomorph Launcher
Founder Armor

132 stats to spend at 34. 30+71+17+14=132stats
Enhancements: 9 SR, 7 DS, 8 LL, 10 FA=34
34*2=68 health+ 30(2)=128+46=174 health

Now to add on stats from weapons since that's just leveling and enhances up above.

+37 str
+24 dex
+12 dex
+3 supp

That gives 130 strength(27-33)
60 dex(19-23)
47 tech(17-21+7)
21 supp(5-6)

Skill tree is simple
Max Fireball
Lvl 1 Bludgeon
Max Bloodlust

I believe I have the stat requirements for all those skills already. This is why we shouldn't have enhancements on health.

Retrosaur -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/14/2012 20:28:56)

Why doesn't HP/EP Enhancements be seperate from other enhancements?

For example:
Energy Eggzooka
8 enh. slots
4 hp/ep slots

and the slots can be purchased with either creds or var. Which makes it fair.

ND Mallet -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/14/2012 22:56:22)

@hyped So you can get the above build I made except with even more health, strength, energy or whatever else you want to use? I think I effectively proved that using the enhancements already on the weapons for health/energy would be a balance issue.

fightR -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 0:00:33)

This would make it that everyone would have a level 5 focus build build while with high health making it a very hard to deal with in a fight. but you know i'm kinda on the fence with this.

ND Mallet -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 0:09:58)

@above Or it might make strength/health spam builds like the one I made a few posts up showing what you can do with enhancements on health.

fightR -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 0:15:52)

^ i was just pointing another build that could be possibly abused

Xendran -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 0:21:10)

If the game was balanced, it wouldn't matter what stats the enhancements go into, HP and EP included.

Shadronica -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 0:59:48)

@ above. ;)

goldslayer1 -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 3:20:51)


@gold I had 4 focus, 125 health, 60 energy and enough strength to get 21 base damage as a BM. I believe I managed to get health, energy and offense pretty high all at once. It's not impossible to do it. What you're asking is a way for everyone to spam more stats while getting even more health. Do you want to fight a Str build with 170+ health and over 20 damage from just strength alone?

i fail to see ur logic here.

im not suggesting that more enhancements should be added.

im saying, ur transferring points from enhancements (like the ones u put on str or dex) and put them into HP/EP

ill use my deadly aim example again.

if i have 32 (+8) base support, it means i can only use a certain lvl of DA.
lets say i had 8 enhancements on support.

if i take those 8 enhancements, and put them on HP/EP, and take out 8 BASE points and put them onto support

the result would be 40 base support +0 enhancements on it.

it would allow me to use a higher lvl deadly aim while keeping the total stat count the SAME.
because u still have 40 support at the end either way, and the same amount of hp.

yeah, people will be able to go use WAY higher hp/ep, but it also comes at a huge disadvantage.
for example, the build u gave, it has low support, and low dex along with low tech. plus the current agility makes it even harder.
any build with high dex that can heal would beat that build. (or a tank) or a simple energy drainer if u go second and ur skills are done)

im just saying, if this is made, it would allow more build varieties and customization of builds.

charwelly -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 4:29:51)

I support this it's a great idea and feature to have in the game

ND Mallet -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 8:44:29)

@gold Like any other strength build weaknesses, yet it somehow still is OPd. If you manage to do 50 damage each turn to that build it will take you 4+ turns after the damage from Bloodlust. Also, if they added enhancements to health they would most likely adjust Agility so people can actually use them without getting penalized(or in that build's case, get punished less) or tighten them up so a build like that will be completely destroyed before it even comes off the shelf. I gave you a build with extra health and way more damage than the one I warned you about. Unless you want me to give you base 20 strength damage and put those points into dex or maybe into health even more. Just because you wouldn't be lucky enough to avoid being blocked all the time doesn't mean that everyone will be blocked all the time.

MrBones -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/15/2012 9:04:34)

the moose is rigth

Killer666 -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/16/2012 23:33:51)

That would mean ppl could have there 40ish Defence and resistance. and have like 200+ hp way to O, and i mean WAY

Wraith -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/16/2012 23:45:25)

@Above: I can barely hae 95 HP with 39 Res/40 Def.


ND Mallet -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/16/2012 23:49:11)

@wraith You do know he was referring to what would happen if there were health enhancements right?

Wraith -> RE: HP/EP Enhancements (5/16/2012 23:53:49)

@MooseMallet: Yeah, we'd have low defense and more health.

You'd need to take enahncements from Dex/Tech, lowering defneses, but getting more health.

With a rational build before the CH nerf, I had 40 def/res. With 93 HP.

In a few dozen levels, maybe. But not anytime soon.

GImme a case where you have 40+ defenses and 200+ HP.

No Beta weapons allowed. (or alpha)

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