Deflection Rate too high. (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 2:16:41)

I've been on a juggernaut match recenetly and this certain player with only 76 tech while I have 84 deflects more 4 times in a row like seriously? 7% deflect isn't forever nor does my tech never deflecting hers yet I still won the match at the cost of 2 boosters and luck. But still, it is so high that it makes casters almost impossible to 2v1 or 1v1. I say it should be nerfed because it is becoming more redundant in almost every match I face including someone with lower tech.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 2:30:43)

Wwell, i don't face that many deflection , but i do face tons of "blocks", anddd the worst part is i got 131 dex, and got 3times blocked on my static [:@] and my opponent had 45 dex.... /facetable

charwelly -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 4:16:24)

^^That is so true and the deflection rate I'm getting both of these every battle

Clavier -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 4:36:16)

If its just once then.... Bad luck?

JariTheMighty -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 5:16:27)

It's weird how so many seem to experience these extreme bad luck streaks. Am I lucky or are the players exaggerating the bad luck of theirs, because I never see " 7 blocks 5 crits and 6 deflections in a row" situations in my battles.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 5:28:24)


This often happens when you fight a player, lower lvl to you, i.e Jugg, battles...

ngshuyi94 -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 6:27:29)

@ Jari

Guess ur lucky. I got critted 6 times in Jug battle yesterday, thats why i got that 1 lost. =/

But i cant blame them anyway coz of the low support i have. But 6 is abit too much. -_-

midnight assassin -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 6:49:51)

I notice that recently(since I most of the time deflect) but also I get partnered with a lvl 31 vs 2 lvl 34 players. Well who's more luckier.

Stabilis -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 7:04:41)

Anyone here support the removal of random chance battle mechanics but instead to replace them with strategical battle mechanics (as in, you can control your ability to block)?

midnight assassin -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 7:08:01)

^I don't think many will like this idea.

gangster a -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 7:08:17)

^ seems good but then again who wants a game where everything is controlled that would take the fun factor out so im 50/50

JariTheMighty -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 7:13:14)

^Or, what about converting block/deflection rates into damage reduction rates. 10% chance to block would mean taking 10% less damage from strikes, 13% chance to deflect would mean taking 13% less damage from sidearm/aux attacks etc.

This would greatly reduce luck factors. Not sure if good or bad.

Also rounding, for example, would be problematic because of the small numbers ED is dealing with (adding a few zeros to every number would solve this).

midnight assassin -> RE: Deflection Rate too high. (5/15/2012 7:17:14)

^I will agree with your idea if this will be applied in the skill itself.

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