Cinderella -> RE: legion v exile discussion (5/16/2012 15:13:47)
one of the challenges in writing two alignments that are less "black-and-white" and more "blue-and-orange" is trying to balance the "good" and "evil" characters. Administrator 12 was a good person, whereas Alydriah is pretty irredeemably evil. It's more fun to write characters with gray moralities- such as Silas and John in the current arc. Another challenge has to do with player sympathies, and I think that a disadvantage the Exiles had was that they were fighting for all new characters- part of that was since this was my first time at the helm of a story arc, if we never revisited those characters, nobody would care if I screwed up. (But as people are still upset over the fate of the Yetis, I think it was a success on that part.) However, the Legion had established characters (ie. Alydriah and Valestra) on their side, whereas the Exiles only had one established character. This put the Exile side at a disadvantage. I actually think that the Exiles have the sympathy (even though I think right now Administrator 7 has the moral high ground) since the Exile side has the Lawman as the "general" and Selina, Ulysses, and Galatea (who have significant fan bases), whereas the Legion "general" is a new character, and his associates vary in fan love (and Valestra and Cinderella are getting reflective redesigns), I think Nightwraith would be the only character with a significant fan base.