=HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (Full Version)

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Scakk -> =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/16/2012 7:56:59)

Got a cool idea for a new clothing design then this is the place for your idea.

elfing -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/16/2012 14:43:14)

Smashcoin T-Shirt

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San Robin -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/16/2012 14:45:42)

Hug twilly T-shirt :D

Science! T-shirt.
Magic! T-shirt
I forgot I made those :P

drDOT -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/16/2012 14:51:01)

What I always wanted.. are moglins!
A huge pile of moglins on the front side, with Twilly and Zorbak in front of them; alongside an in-depth description of what moglins are on your back.

Oh, that's a shirt.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/16/2012 16:59:04)

The Exile Live to Disobey shirt and whatever the Legion's shirt is that was up on the poll for the EpicDuel Tee-shirt

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/16/2012 17:36:55)

How about a "All you need is Dragons, Dragons and more Dragons" baseball hat? You could put in a handful of the famous aqw and df dragons on it. or a mix of df/aqw/mq. That'd be cool.

Postmaster General -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/17/2012 1:24:24)

I made these a looong time ago, but I feel they can portray some basic ideas.

Cysero Sock T

Join the Chaosweavers T

Paxia Clan T's.

Scyze -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/17/2012 4:04:15)

It would be cool if you could make a T-Shirt of your Character page! (Just the Character with the equipped items.)

Antithesis -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/17/2012 19:59:02)

Moglin beanies count as clothing I suppose.
Like this but a red Twilly.

Also, a beanie with the Shadowscythe emblem.
A shirt with the Shadowscythe emblem.

Good variants?


A shirt that shows Yulgar holding a mug of smoothie. :3 I'd wear it. Just don't put a big fat "AQ.COM" on the front if you ever did.

Hiro Sempai -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/20/2012 2:13:41)

An Epic scene of Artix vs Seppy while battle damaged and enraged.

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/21/2012 16:13:22)

How about
Drakath "Chaos Rules" T
All you need is Paladins T
Seppy Lives T

Sir Arceon -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/21/2012 16:40:38)

Zeuster T

Front: Yep. It's a Chickencow.

Back: You gotta problem with that!?

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Croncler -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (5/23/2012 12:39:14)

Hmm a long time ago I made some T-shirt Designs that can be seen here: Facebook Gallery :)

Huntercurtis -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (6/1/2012 3:13:21)

There was a recent thread about AE underwear. It seemed as some people liked the idea.

Just a thought.

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (6/1/2012 13:06:48)

I have the sudden urge to suggest a Mysterious Johnson T, with a pic of him on the front and the word "Mysterious!" on the back.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (6/4/2012 10:42:36)

I believe they should move from these thick shirts to american apparel shirts. They are much more softer and lighter and they are definitely more fashionable than the thick t's.

LooseLeaf -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (6/10/2012 23:31:05)

sepulchure and artix cloth sound good , maybe they should release a jacket with runehawk,mystraven symbol too.

ArchAngelDante -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (6/11/2012 10:41:56)

I would love to see a Hoodie/Jacket with the well known factions on them, e.g. Shadowscythe, GEARS houses etc...

SonicTbear -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (6/11/2012 15:21:40)

A pair of Cysero's Left Sock socks?

Eddmario -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (6/16/2012 3:26:53)

* Hats! (INB4 TF2/Valve/Gabe Newell)
* Hoodies
* Jackets
* Halloween Mogloween Costumes

Neveya -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (6/22/2012 11:40:02)

Helloz!! Neveya here from HeroMart! Loving these ideaaassss!!!!! We will definitely be looking into having some hoodies made for the holiday season this year! I'm loving the designs you guys have come up with! I will show those to Faith! We will also be looking into hats! I love the cosplay hats with ears soooo much! We have one with Zorbak ears on display here at the underground lab that Jemini made that is super adorablez! Oh, and the sock idea... ummm YES PLEASE! Keep the ideas comin! Thank you guys!!!! <3

Firebolt11111 -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (7/15/2012 1:27:16)

Please bring back ShadowScythe Shirt.

Hunterback -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (7/31/2012 18:38:51)

A waric costume (for kids & adults)
Ebilcorp-themed suits to wear in the office

lawrence the osl -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (8/1/2012 16:18:11)

A mage hoodie. (Different colors and pictures optional)

AO24 -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Clothing (8/7/2012 12:07:27)

a Alpha Knight T -shirt maybe

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