AQW Legacy -> RE: =HeroMart= Suggestion - Other (4/14/2016 20:17:04)
With the up and coming AQW in game HeroMart coming, the AE calendars with the in game classes should have the class separately for those who wish to not purchase the calendar or are not allowed to order online goods at all. It would be coherent to do so as not everyone have their parents' consent to order HeroMart goods but have been playing for years and aren't given the opportunity to get HeroMart in game classes not any other in game goods. Literally, THOUSANDS of players would agree as with the in game Calendar classes going in game in the grand opening of the in game HeroMart because what would be the point of having the in game HeroMart otherwise? It would be a shame to miss out on hundreds if not thousands of potential buyers and players who wish to just obtain the in game class. Since the calendar classes AND the other in game goods have been coming with the calendar and is this urgent request concerns that, the AC price for the classes in the in game HeroMart should be prices accordingly to the calendar prices, this each calendar class should be estimated at a price of 5000~12000 AC per class. This would be extremely appropriate and new Nulgath and Dage goods should be exclusively featured in the in game HeroMart. It's quite confusing why more exclusive and expensive Nulgath HeroMart classes or armor sets aren't released because there are thousands obsessing over not having an opportunity to get exclusive Nulgath gear from HeroMart. Not to mention this year is a big year with the Olympics coming this summer, and it would be so AMAZING for one of the most famed requests of the Dage vs Nulgath war continuing as it did 4 years in the time of the London Olympics with so many nostalgic memories of LoreOlympics and the first ever Dage vs Nulgath featuring multiple pieces of Nulgath and Dage gear that shot happiness into the hearts of thousands of players with the exclusive gear and houses and the loyalty towards each side. It's time to drop the GAUNTLET and release way more Nulgath gear with the in game classes coming in and HeroMart and an in game Artist Showcase would be so appropriate. New VOID ORBS worth 5000 AC should be in game in the HeroMart featuring JUST ONE new VoidBreed set in the orb. This should release via HeroMart or in the war continuation which players obsess over for the monotone 4 years of Nulgath after that amazing 2012 year with one of the best summers of AQW. I urgently request on the approved behalf of thousands of players that in game Calendar classes go in game for ACs and artists focus A LOT more in Nulgath as he is incredibly popular! The Dage vs Nulgath war also needs to continue regarding relevance towards Nulgath! With the classes coming, one simpler way to release mew armors would be to evolve the 2012 AC rares from Nulgath such as Vanprie of Nulgath, Grimlord of Nulgath, Frost Void of Nulgath, etc and much more to accompany a START to more Nulgayh content! There AE artist need to focus on Nulgath or ask MiltoniuArts himself to create new Nulgath armors such as new voids and fiends and nulgath related things. This is because the new classes coming out would call for THE CONTINUATION OF THE DAGE VS NULGATH WAR. Yes, this could mean that a NEW DAGE VS NULGATH EVIL WAR PRINT with the in game goods should be implemented. A brand new evil war print should also be up for Artix Point bonuses BY PURCHASING A CERTAIN AMOINT OF ARTIX POINTS to obtain HeroMart IN GAME bonuses because there are HUNDREDS OF PLAYERS who are not able to or are allowed to purchase online goods with delivery as HeroMart offers Here are the benefits for releasing HeroMart calendar classes for around 8000 artix points or 12k ac with the in game heromart that is arriving to AQW, and the possible SECOND Dage vs Nulgath war evil war print WAR CONTINUATION that should happen to jumpstart the AQW population which has been on FREE FALL by THOUSANDS on AVERAGE. 1. The MAJORITY of the AQW population refuse to give credit card information to HeroMart thus preventing HeroMart from gaining the profit that it should from the wide array of the AQW players who buy the calendar for the CLASS anyway. Implementing the class in game for artix points would have higher profits while giving players a chance to get a calendar class. 2. The GiftCard purchased players DON'T even have a chance to order HeroMart goods. An entire payment method is devoted to these players and they are not able to even buy the HeroMart goods for the in game bonuses because they can't even ORDER online due to parental reasons or refusal to provide information from any other payment method! Allowing in game bonuses (HeroMart Special Offers In game AQW bonuses such as the calendar classes and Dage vs Nulgath evil war print which was AT ONE POINT available for ARTIX POINTS BY BUYING 15000+ ARTIX POINTS was an amazing idea and should be provided in game WAY MORE so Giftcard redeemers (players) can access them!!!) 3. The truth to be told is that MANY players, NOT ALL, with all due respect have exclaimed not using the calendar from AE at all and have only purchased it for the calendar class. REDUCING the a quantity of calendars would be beneficial for AE it terms of saving MONEY while implementing the classes in game to other players who aren't able to buy HeroMart goods. (This is over 65% of the AQW population from the past and present) 4. Implementing Calendar classes and other in game Special offers from HeroMart goods that aren't from the past (because those are rare and that would outrage rare holders of past chrono calendar classes such as the owners of the Chronomancer class being outraged when the ARTIX POINT bundle bonus OFFERED the 2011 Chronomancer class which was a big mistake FOR MAKING THE Chronomancer class available, but the aspect of BONUS Cardclasher and Chaos Mod Packs and the Proto-Paragon and DreadFiend of Nulgath was a GREAT IDEA because they were in STOCK. This proves that this action by AE by releasing the 2012 Evil war Print (Dage vs Nulgath DreadFiend of Nulgath and Proto-Paragon) in one month AWAY from 2014 meant that NOT ENOUGH COPIES WERE sold because OF THE VERY REASON OF PLAYERS NOT BEING ABLE TO BUY THE HeroMart good to access the in game bonuses they would have loved to have if it were simply up for Artix Point Purchase or the purchase bonus or EVEN a HIGH Ac value!!!!!!! 5. Implementing the in game Special Offer bonus gear at a price proportional to that of the one that would be set in HeroMart would PROTECT THE EXCLUSIVITY because the PRICE would stay the same and would have HIGHER PROFITS for the very reason being that GiftCard purchased players and other payment methods of Acs or purchase of Artix points would enable players to PURCHASE the Special offers from HeroMart. Therefore; yes the reduction of calendars and printed goods should be limited because the action of the Dage vs Nulgath evil war print IN GAME special offer was a success and a failure because it was from 2012 going into EARLY 2014 for PURCHASING a LARGE ARTIX POINT QUANTITY. The IDEA WAS GOOD AND PROFITS INCREASED WHILE COPIES SOLD FASTER, BUT IT WAS JUST THE "RARITY" THAT served as the backlash from players who are resistant to change or are even selfish to having everything exclusive and limited to them! The idea in this case outweighs the minority of the HeroMart orders and thus should go in game for Artix Points or the RELEVANT AC amount! (It would be fairly high but that's the entire point of the in game HeroMart coming to AQW!) 6. Allowing the HeroMart class bonuses from the calendars and future armor sets that are Dage or Nulgath themed in specific due to their popularity going in game would serve as ANOTHER PURPOSE for players to UPGRADE MORE THAN ONCE! This is a huge reason for upgrading and purchasing artix points more than once! This would be amazing for business and for players who are looking to buy artix points of Ac/membership because there'd be the in game AQW monthly upgrade package along with a ARTIX POINT PURCHASE BUNDBLE BONUS and/or in game HeroMart MONTHLY special offer in game for artix points or a relevant AC amounts! THIS reason is HUGE for allowing the HeroMart goods and MORE SPECIAL OFFER armors and classes going in game to the MAJORITY THAT REALLY WANT THIS TO HAPPEN! *******It is with high regards and all due respect I wish this ASPECT goes in game with the in game HeroMart coming in AQW is for and for more special offer classes/armor sets for PURCHASING Artix Points in a large amount, because that'd serve as a viable choice for upgrading more than once a month!!! Players ESCTATIC and PROFITS go upward. Please deny the opposition to this idea with all due respect as they don't understand the significant margin of the POSITIVES MASSIVELY outweighing the possible negative!******* Merged double-post. Please do not double-post, it is considered spam and only clutters the page. Next time use the [image][/image] button to add in any additional information to your post. For more information, please read the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules > Posting Behavior. ~Rickyb20