Shadronica -> RE: New Mod Appreciation Thread (5/17/2012 17:31:04)
Nice post Mira. Yes I agree it is most daunting for our new moderators. Especially since most of them are active in the game. Can you imagine how hard it is for them with everyone asking them to add them as buddies? How would you like it if you had 800 people on your buddy list and 50 of them all wanted to PM you at the same time??!! Can you imagine what it would be like if you just wanted to hang with your close friends for a chat but every time you did all the people on your buddy list decided to jump to you? When would you get any time to just retrain or change your build? When would you get time to battle without everyone trying to PM you? I know it seems nice to brag to your friends that you have a mod on your buddy list but it is simply not possible for our mods to be on everyone's friend list. If you see them at Oz, treat them as anyone else you see at Oz (hopefully in a nice way of course [;)]). Remember they are just people like you and me. They aren't ED super gods that can be everyone's friends, fix every problem or hear everyone all at the same time. Even if they tried their hardest they would never be able to do all of this. We don't want them to have to hide away for fear they are going to be swamped by a swarm of people every time they log in do we? The problem with posting about it here is that 90% of players don't bother at all with this forum. So for those that do read this can you try to tell your friends about it too. ;)