What Deserves To Happen To You!!! (Full Version)

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Angels Holocaust -> What Deserves To Happen To You!!! (5/17/2012 23:04:47)

Alright it's been weeks now and people are still getting blocked. Now why is that? If you have less dex then your opponent than you deserve to get blocked. If you have less support then you deserve to get hit by a crit in the face.

rajkumar -> RE: What Deserves To Happen To You!!! (5/17/2012 23:23:48)

I cant play 1vs1 after the update. Its messed up low support player is doing critical to me even i have more support. Player with low dex blocks my every attack making mr feel like a newbie. I am playing before beta and now i am getting sad because of this new blocks and critical. So its better to only do npc.

Quasidig -> RE: What Deserves To Happen To You!!! (5/18/2012 1:18:32)

Why do people still think the block/ crit/ deflect system has changed during delta? To my knowledge it has not... Maybe I am only hearing so many complaints because I have just recently been active on the forums, but please why are you complaining about something that has been the same for months (years?) now?

The system is perfectly transparent, you have less tech than your opponent you get deflected more dex... you get the idea (please get the idea already). Yes, you get what you deserve. Plan your builds accordingly.

A loving message from,
Dr. Strangelove.

Vampiric Prince -> RE: What Deserves To Happen To You!!! (5/18/2012 1:19:49)

The thread title is hilarious. I deserve a chocolate covered arm blade, customized to my character and available to him alone. Special ability = smother. You lower your enemy dex by half and this has a 10% chance of happening XD Pretty coolz. Anyway, some people are going about this entirely wrong- epicduel wise I mean. Go with the flow, I mean this is epicduel people. The game where $50 buys you a set that becomes outdated in a few weeks. The game where high hp is supposed to make you a noob but instead it makes you unbeatable if you can handle yourself. The game where dexterity is just another filler stat and means next to zero. Epicduel is sort of like a mini car with a ferrari body. At first all the diversity in skills captures your imagination and makes you feel like you can truly expand on your creative impulses, only much to your own demise- in the grand scheme of things that is. The skills have fancy names and seem to work as a synergy toward 100s of individual strategies, but it's an illusion you see. In epicduel, if you don't play the build or class that can deal tons of dmg and kill quickly, you will lose more often. There isn't really such a thing as a defensive player any more, you go defensive you die- easy.

Epicduel, in all it's randomness used to produce much frustration in me, but that's the past. Once you figure out how adolescent the mechanic behind the game truly is, that's when you start to win and win + the losses mean nothing but lolz to you. Just enjoy yourselves people, cause this str noob sure is XD

i like bounty hunter -> RE: What Deserves To Happen To You!!! (5/18/2012 1:29:39)

Thats What I Was Going To Say Vampire Prince But Not Exactly Like That I Am Going To Say It Like This

But Please Just Calm Down Angels Holocast And Others

1st Thing

Epic Duel Is Just A GAME

Its Not If You Lose You Die

Just Chill [8D]

If The Game Is Random Let It Be Random But Just Don't Complain About Losing And Dex And Crit And Stuff Like That

Just Have Fun Ok [:D]

If You Need A Break Go Outside. [;)]

rajkumar -> RE: What Deserves To Happen To You!!! (5/18/2012 8:53:00)

@I like bounty hunter you will get feel angry too when you will use more then 300$ in a game and you get beaten by a noobie!!!

PivotalDisorder -> RE: What Deserves To Happen To You!!! (5/18/2012 9:46:49)


but please why are you complaining about something that has been the same for months (years?) now?

@Quasidig: because during the recent update, a major change happened to blocks and the devs are saying they didn't change anything.
I have provided evidence till I am blue in the face, but still certain clueless players just say HERP DERP GET MORE DEX NOOB.


I am not even gonna address the person who made the topic.

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