RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (Full Version)

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DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (10/7/2012 23:37:46)

I wonder if Pie is going to reply to Fishtank's post eventually so that they can get that duel on the road.

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (10/8/2012 2:17:18)

@Spansih Isn`t not that they can`t persay, but she has one phone jack, and all the spots are filled, and she won`t unplug her phone even if she only ever uses her cell phone. She`s sturben that way. It`s a old house.

@Scape I`l be pming you some pointer

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (10/8/2012 6:58:12)

Can't believe I forgot the screenshot AGAIN!

Sorry guys, but this just wasn't my round for some reason. I took the ending one right now.... You'll just have to wait until I get back from school today to hear who won.... I don't trust my mind this early in the morning and all, you know?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (10/8/2012 15:22:42)

No worries dethhollow, I think we can all guess the result. Probably not a good idea to get into a habit of forgeting the screenshot though.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (10/8/2012 16:46:52)

Dynami gained around 1,100 points, while Aerodu lost 20 points....

Geoto lost 3 points. Sorry rock-bros.

And, finally, what you've all been waiting for.... To quote Aerodu:

.c5 b11

Unfortunately, see Dynami.

So, what can we take from this week's round? Well, I would say it's that Dynami needs to be nerfed, but considering how few points the other 2 clans scored, I just don't know. You know what? The PUC is starting to become unintresting for almost everybody. Next round, one week ahead of schedule, round #19, we will be able to attack 4 spaces instead of the previous 2! Basicly, sudden death!

All who object, say "knee!"

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (10/8/2012 20:24:12)

@Fish- I checked right now, you're not on. Seriously, PLEASE just PM me on the forums, it's a lot easier for me and it should only take 10 seconds to type "I'm on let's duel." I do have other obligations and sometimes I forget stuff, like to log into DN.

I apologise for not responding sooner, but I've been distracted/busy lately. Besides I'm lazy but everyone knows that about me. And if you don't, your silleh.


No, but srsly please contact me. I have a million darn things to do and the duel slipped my mine.

Also, 10 page lock. And if the games are getting boring then let's think of something else.

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