Lycus -> RE: Bots Info (5/19/2012 18:41:16)
This is a suggestion, not really a discussion. I can see the discussion aspect of it, and how it could be discussed, but all I see is the same 1 or 2 points being raised over and over. For this reason, this would be better off being posted in the Suggestions section. My say on the subject is that this has always been one of those subjects that players feel 50:50 about, some love the idea of seeing the opponents bot, however others feel it's nice to have a 'surprise up their sleeve'. I feel that you get to see everything in battle, apart from the bot. If you are a very experienced player, you tend to be able to accurately guess the opponents next move, and play accordingly, being tactically. This to the player who may not be as experienced may be a bit hard, since everything they do, the other player manages to be ready to counter it somehow. Having the Bot unknown allows the element of surprise, a way to come back despite things looking grim, because the opponent wasn't expecting it. I feel that makes the game much more exciting, anticipating what Bot the opponent has and how it will be used. If all the information was just handed to you on a plate, the game would be just that little bit less exciting. That is just my opinion, and of course, I understand some others will feel differently.