How Much Would U Pay To Play Beta? (Full Version)

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Rayman -> How Much Would U Pay To Play Beta? (5/19/2012 17:07:11)

If it were possible, how much would you pay to play the beta version of the game?
I would personaly spend 20$ or more a month just to play beta.
The reason I made this thread is because people on the forums almost always agree that beta is better than gamma/delta.
Or If we could pay for a beta server that is only Online just 2 days of the week?

Stabilis -> RE: How Much Would U Pay To Play Beta? (5/19/2012 17:09:29)

You could but you would not be able to log your current account in because of the differences. So instead you would need to either use a guest account or new account.

ND Mallet -> RE: How Much Would U Pay To Play Beta? (5/19/2012 17:12:05)

Pay to go back to a time where 2vs2 was pointless due to Heal Loop Mages abusing the crap out of Reroute and FM? Believe me when I say that was no fun at all. Heal Loop Mages were by far one of the most OPd builds out there. Support Mercenaries could kill you just as easily in 1vs1 as they could in 2vs2 as well. People only say Beta was better because they miss abusing stats to the max and getting huge damage or just plain wasting people's time with heal looping.

charwelly -> RE: How Much Would U Pay To Play Beta? (5/19/2012 17:20:29)

^^dam right

Midnightsoul -> RE: How Much Would U Pay To Play Beta? (5/19/2012 17:51:38)

i agree with ND...

Battle Elf -> RE: How Much Would U Pay To Play Beta? (5/19/2012 17:54:43)

AQ Classic was one time cost of $20. Netflix is $8 per month. I would never pay $20 a month :P.

Lycus -> RE: How Much Would U Pay To Play Beta? (5/19/2012 18:28:43)

I'm afraid that this is not something to be discussed on the forums, Beta has been and gone, and as stated multiple times, no amount of money, complaining or anything of the sort is going to bring it back. For this reason, this topic serves no purpose, and I'm therefore locking it up.

I understand some people enjoyed Beta more than they enjoy the game now, for one reason or another, but some people enjoy the current game much better. Having multiple servers containing the game in different stages would be incredibly confusing for current players and especially new players. It would also be incredibly complicated, since a lot of the gear out now wasn't out then, so current players wouldn't be able to use their characters on this server. Having separate characters would in turn cause issues, such as: Players wouldn't want to buy Varium and have to choose what server to have it on, and/or it would raise a lot of confusion due to one server having loads of options another doesn't, one being constantly updated, another isn't. So overall it isn't a viable option, and bringing Beta or any other phase back isn't even a consideration.

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